The program itself takes up very little space on your hard drive, only a few megabytes, although this is something that nearly all antivirus programs share.
节目本身占用很小的硬盘空间,只有数兆字节虽然这是一件几乎所有防毒程式分享. |
The program lets the agency monitor the international calls and email of individuals in the United States without the need for a court order.
计划让机构监督国际电话和在美国的个人电子邮件,无需法院命令。 |
The program looks at the chilling murder case which rewrote the text books on dental detective work - but answers some fun questions, too.
节目中,将会重述一宗骇人听闻的凶杀案,而破案关键竟然因为人体的牙齿构造,为什麽? |
The program of Engineering Management prepares students into advanced skillful managers and executives to be engaged independently in the management of engineering and projects in enterprises or institutions.
管理科学与工程系主要培养管理科学与工程、工程与项目管理、系统工程等学科的博士生和硕士研究生,同时也承担全院公共专业课的教学任务。 |
The program offers Chinese nurses the opportunity to improver their English language skills whilst working in England, home of the English language.
该项目将使中国护士在英语的家乡英国学习、工作期间,能快速提高英文能力。 |
The program plans to use food produced in North Korea.
这一项目计划使用北韩生产的粮食。 |
The program produced after the source program has been converted into machine code is referred to as object program.
译:程序是由目标程序把源程序转换成机器码后生产出来的。 |
The program provides students with a firm grouding in the principles of journalism and mass media, demonstrates the application of these principles and modern communication techniques, and enables them to learn the principles and skills, and to build an e
本专业学生要求学习马克思主义基本原理,系统掌握新闻传播学理论,熟知各类媒体的传播特性,能够熟练运用现代传播技术传播新闻信息,并懂得媒介经营管理的一般原则和方法,形成“厚基础、宽口径、术理兼备”的知识结构。 |
The program purpose is to reduce the pollution of agricultural products (mainly vegetables and fruits) and agro-environment (soil and water), e.g. caused by excessive use of agro-chemicals, organic and chemical fertilizers and from intensive livestock far
项目目标是:减少农药、有机肥料和化学性肥料的过量使用、以及畜禽养殖过程中产生的畜禽粪污对农产品(蔬菜、水果)和农业环境(土壤、水)的污染。 |
The program realization and numerical calculation of the concrete calculating examples can testify the efficiency and feasibility of the best perturbation method to solve the problems of the kinds.
通过对具体算例的程序实现和数值计算,并结合形象化的图表和图形,验证了最佳摄动量法解决此类问题的有效性和可行性。 |
The program regarding ADIS is on showing now.
电视正播映一个有关爱滋病的节目。 |