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For the rising news problems from changing quickly society, sustainable harmony for society depends on the management constantly innovating to maintain and support, in this sense, government management innovation is also the method source for accelerating 对于日新月异的社会不断生成的新问题来说,社会持续和谐有赖于政府管理的不断创新,从这个意义上讲,政府管理创新也是推进和谐社会建设的方法源泉。
For the rock texture, I duplicated parts of existing paintings and filtered them a few times with lighting effect tools and noise. 关于岩石的材质,我复制了一些现有的图像加上滤镜,用了些时间做灯光效果和噪波。
For the room having good lighting, it can choose bigger scope; the deep color and tint are ok. 采光良好的房间可选择的范围及较大,深浅均可。
For the round-shape roasted green tea, this new technique could also improve the liquor color without smoking-smell, and increase the amino acid content by 5.2% and chlorophyll content up to 5.6%. 长炒青绿茶氨基酸含量提高23.8%,感官审评综合得分提高一个等级(+3.8分):圆炒青绿茶氨基酸和叶绿素含量分别提高5.2%和5.6%。
For the safety of you and other person in performing experiment. Please note the name of the reagent and warning label attached on the reagent bottle. 为了你及其他人做实验时的安全,请注意试剂樽上的名称及警告标贴。
For the safty of your data, please remember to click Logoutinside the homepage when you leave. 为了阁下的资料安全,当你离开本网页前,请记紧按登出。
For the sake of Black Belt readers who wish to boost their versatility and take their opponent by surprise with a spinning attack, Carter agreed to reveal the secrets of three variations of his most feared technique. 为求黑带读者如想提高自己的技能和自己的对手出其不意与旋转攻击,卡特同意揭秘三变,他最担心的技术.
For the sake of David Your servant, Do not turn away the face of Your anointed. 诗132:10求你因你仆人大卫的缘故、不要厌弃你的受膏者。
For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me. 4因我仆人雅各,我所拣选以色列的缘故,我就提名召你。你虽不认识我,我也加给你名号。
For the sake of assuring the datum continuing which recorded by seismic monitoring digital apparatus, we advanced a copy method based on multithread technique combining with datum flow mode, and builded automatic backup and failing warning system, the int 摘要为了保证地震监测数字仪实时系统数据记录连续可靠,不出故障,提出了以多线程技术结合数据流式拷贝方法,建立自动备份兼故障报警系统,达到实时保护数据的目的。
For the sake of easy to we have the goods shipment, we hope to allow the installment shipment. 为了便于我方备货装船,我们希望允许分批装船。

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