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Every law has a loop hole.

Every job is a self - portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with guality. 每一项工作都是那个人的自画像,以工作的品质来写你的自传吧。
Every kid wanted to be in a band. 每个孩子都成为乐队的一份子。
Every kind of business sprang up. 各式各样的连锁店遂而崛起。
Every kind of design including office 、car、dormitory, the dinning room、kitchen provides with the design、trade mark、advertisement. 各种设计:办公室,车间,宿舍,食堂厨房配备设计,商标,广告,设计。
Every last ticker for the opera has been sold. 该出歌剧的票已全部售完。
Every law has a loop hole. 凡是法律皆有漏洞.
Every law has a loophole. 每部法律都有漏洞。
Every leaf, brick, shingle and blade of grass is fresh-washed and shining. 每一片叶子、砖块、鹅卵石和草,都是新鲜光亮的。
Every library shall try to be complete on something, if it is only the history of pinhead . 每一个图书馆都应该努力使某一方面(的图书)齐全,哪怕只是针头[俚语亦有“笨蛋”之意]的历史也好。
Every library shall try to be complete on something, if it is only the history of pinhead. 每一个图书馆都应该努力使某一方面(的图书)齐全,哪怕只是针头[俚语亦有“笨蛋”之意]的历史也好。
Every light bulb, photocopier and computer on campus is being powered by clean, renewable energy sources, such as wind and hydroelectricity, dramatically reducing our impact on the environment. 瑞汀大学校园里的每只灯泡、每台影印机或电脑使用的电力都来自无污染、可再生的能源,包括风力和水力,大量减少了对环境的影响。

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