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Keep yourself sold on the idea that you will obtain your definite major purpose, no matter how far away that moment seems. Autosuggestion is a powerful force in developing enthusiasm.

Keep your tongue from evil And your lips from speaking deceit. 诗34:13就要禁止舌头不出恶言、嘴唇不说诡诈的话。
Keep your valuables under your care. 请照看好你的贵重物品。
Keep your wits about you and be sure that you can trust those you confide. 保持机敏,向那些你信得过的人倾诉。
Keep your word,if you wish to do business with me. 如果你要和我做生意就要守信用。
Keep your work on a high plane. 把你的工作保持在高水平上。
Keep yourself sold on the idea that you will obtain your definite major purpose, no matter how far away that moment seems. Autosuggestion is a powerful force in developing enthusiasm. 抱持警无论多么遥远,你必将达到既定目标的态度推销自己,自我暗示是培养热枕的有力力量。
Keep (away) from the animal, it is very dangerous. 不要靠近那只动物,它非常危险。
Keeper Lukasz Fabianski takes the No 21 shirt from the departing Mart Poom. 守门员卢卡斯·法比安斯基将接受普姆留下的21号球衣。
Keeper foul: pushing any part of their body through the goal hoop to prevent a score. 守门员犯规行为:将身体的任何部位穿过铁环从而阻止进球得分。
Keepers said Asian elephants have the longest gestation period - at 22 months - of any animal in the world. 动物看护人员说,比起世界上其他动物来,亚洲象有最长的怀孕期——22个月。
Keepers say Charlie the chimpanzee picked up the habit from visitors at the Bloemfontein Zoo who sometimes toss him cigarettes. 园方说,布隆方丹动物园的黑猩猩查理从入园的游客那里学会抽菸,他们有时会丢香菸给牠。

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