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He and his brother always see eye to eye.

He and colleagues obtained data on self-perceived sleep problems and the use of electronic media prior to bedtime from a total of 5,875 Japanese respondents in two separate Internet-based surveys. 他与其他同事通过两个在线调查,收集了5875名日本受访者有关自我感觉的睡眠问题及睡前使用电子媒体的数据。
He and his French collaborator, Jean-Paul Fitoussi, have, for example, blamed Europe's mounting unemployment in the 1980s in part on Ronald Reagan's budget deficits, which were expansionary at home, but squeezed employment in the rest of the world. 例如,他和合著者法国人让-保罗·菲图西均认为,20世纪80年代欧洲居高不下的失业率部分应归咎于罗纳德·里根的预算赤字,后者虽仅是在美国国内不断扩大,却限制了世界其它地区的就业。
He and his agent have parted company/He has parted company with his agent. 他和他的代理人散伙了.
He and his books were in frequent requisition as to property confiscated and made national. 许多财产在充公或收归国有时常常要咨询他和他的帐册。
He and his brother Ira collaborated in 1934 to create Porgy and Bess, an opera that explored African-American culture. 他与他的兄弟艾勒在1934年共同合作创造了《乞丐与荡妇》,这是一部展示美非文化的歌剧。
He and his brother always see eye to eye. 他和他兄弟的看法总是一致的。
He and his brother have puite different lifestyle. 他和他弟弟的生活方式截然不同。
He and his character share only one thing, says Wang, a dogged search of the ideal that he pursues as a singer. 王说,他和他的角色都只表现了一种执着追求理想的精神,这也正是他作为音乐人所追求的。
He and his colleagues wanted a way to fill the information gaps in earth science, to look deeper into the earth with better resolution. 他和同事希望找出方法弥补地球科学知识上的缺口,有更佳的分辨率、并且达到地球更深处。
He and his deputy cooperated very well. 他和他的副手合作得很好。
He and his deputy had cooperated very well. 他和他的副手一向合作得很好。

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