I saw a rat sticking its head out of the manhole cover. It stared at me as if it had known me!Haaaaaaaa !!
陶子:“仓里满,我刚才看见一只老鼠从窨井盖里伸出脑袋,看着我,好像认识我呢!” |
I saw a rotting hulk on the beach.
我在海滩上看见了一艘腐烂的废船。 |
I saw a saw saw a log into four.
我看到一把锯把一根木头锯成了四块。 |
I saw a sleeping girl in the waiting room.
在候车室我看见一个熟睡的女孩。 |
I saw a small deer looking at me.
我看见一只小鹿正在看着我。 |
I saw a terrible smashup on my way to school.
我在去学校的路上看到一起可怕的汽车相撞事故。 |
I saw a tombstone bearing the date 1602.
我见到一块刻有1602年字样的墓碑. |
I saw all the living that went about under the sun with the youth, the successor, who stood up in place of him.
15我见日光之下一切行动的活人都随从那少年人,就是起来代替老王的继承人。 |
I saw an ear, nose and throat physician who put me on prescription medication, including steroids and a strong decongestant.
我去看了一个耳鼻喉医生,他给我开了一些药,包括类固醇和很强的消肿药。 |
I saw an interesting talk show on Friday evening .
在周五晚上我看了一个有趣的谈话节目. |
I saw an old friend by accident in the park last week.
我上星期在公园碰到一位朋友。 |