Many of the concepts of systems biology are not new.
系统生物学的概念由来已久。 |
Many of the conseratie groups aligned with the Bush administration on social issues promote the goal of sexual abstinence until marriage.
许多保守派组织支持布什政府在社会事务方面的政策,提倡在婚前应该禁欲。 |
Many of the converts to the new religion resiled in the course of time.
许多信从从新宗教的人过了些时又恢复原状了。 |
Many of the cottages in the village are now owned by weekenders.
现在这个村里许多农舍其房主都是专来度过星期六和星期日的人. |
Many of the customs and rituals of this tribe were as old as the hills they dwelt among.
这个部落的很多习俗和仪礼可追溯到很久远的时代。 |
Many of the dancers at the fancy dress ball wore colourful masks.
化装舞会里的许多跳舞的人戴著五颜六色的面具。 |
Many of the databases along the double helix were shut down, closed, so that you began to function with very little data.
许多数据库是顺着双螺旋线停止运行,关闭,让你们开始运行很少的数据。 |
Many of the demonstrators will xx left win?were from left-wing and peace groups.
其中有一部分示威者都是左翼人士以及和平党人士。 |
Many of the development processes are uncontrolled.
许多开发过程是未加以控制的。 |
Many of the diesel-electric submarines from that construction period are now in reserve.
许多在那个时期建造的柴电动力潜艇现在已经转为预备役。 |
Many of the dissenting countries were from Latin America or the Middle East.
许多投反对票的国家来自拉美或中东地区。 |