Once take place the fire,many people are at a loss and will do nothing.
一旦真的发生火灾,许多人就不知所措,不知道该干什么好了。 |
Once that happens, a progress bar pops up, and you have to keep out of their eyesight until it fills up.
那时,一个进度条会跳出来,你必须保持脱离警察的视线直至进度条填满。 |
Once that is done, it would be easier to recognise an independent Kosovo.
只要这样,就更容易承认一个独立的科索沃。 |
Once that report varieties of eggs to produce more high quality, good reputation. pure taste in Suzhou has been the market share leader.
公司出品的龙凤报喜红蛋以品种多,档次高,口碑好,口味纯在苏州市场占有量一直稳居第一位。 |
Once that the results of the ripeness parameter analysis are known, and after tasting the grapes, the date of harvest is defined for each sector of the vineyard.
一旦葡萄果实成熟分析得判断结果为人所知,和在品尝葡萄以后,收成采摘日期葡萄园的各个区段分别决定。 |
Once that was established, the crowd swelled as more shoppers stopped to find out what the hooha was all about, and joined in the fray when they realised who it was.
一当他们确定那真的是周杰伦,越来越多的正在购物的人也加入进围观、追逐的人群当中。 |
Once the Allies dropped one ton of bombs on Normandy, two tons of bombs would be dropped on Calais; if one reconnaissance aircraft was sent to Normandy, two would be sent to Calais.
只要盟军在诺曼底投掷一吨炸弹,就会在加莱投掷两吨;如果往诺曼底派遣一架侦察机,就会往加莱派遣两架。 |
Once the Authorized Doctor confirms that the insured who is suffering from any accidental injury or acute disease needs any medical assistance, the Company will arrange via its Assistance Company the nearest hospital to provide medical care to the insured
被保险人遭受意外伤害事故或突发急性病,经授权医生确认需要医疗援助的,本公司将通过救援机构安排被保险人至最近的医院就医或安排离事发地最近的医生至事发地为被保险人治疗并承担相应的运送费用。 |
Once the Command Center has been upgraded to be a Planetary Fortress, it can no longer lift off.
一旦人族指挥中心升级成为行星要塞,它就丧失了飞行功能。 |
Once the Cultist is enlightened enough, she can achieve her transcendent state without outside help.
当教徒足够醒觉,她就可以不借外力达到出神的状态。 |
Once the Director of Land Transport issues the gazette notice, there will need to be a 6 month period before mandatory WOVM comes into effect to allow the vehicle industry to adapt and prepare for this requirement.
一旦陆地运输局局长发布公报通知,在强制实施WOVM前允许汽车业者有6个月的时间适应与准备。 |