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Not having an outstanding keeper is destabilising at the best of times.

Not hammer-stroke, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection. 不是槌的打击,乃是水的载歌载舞,使鹅卵石臻于完美.
Not hammer-strokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection. 不是槌的打击,乃是水的载歌载舞,使鹅卵石臻于完美。
Not hammer-strokes,but dance of the water sings,the pebbles into perfection. 不靠铁锤般的敲击,那是潺潺流水的载歌载舞,使卵石如此玲珑完美。
Not harmonic; discordant. 不协调的;不和谐的
Not having a trademark or brand name. 没有商标的,没有牌子的
Not having an outstanding keeper is destabilising at the best of times. 缺少了一个出色的门将是对球队最大的损失。
Not having been created; not yet in existence. 尚未产生的未被创造的:不存在的
Not having checked the watch the night before,they found it stopped when they woke up. 由于前一个晚上没有检查表,他们醒来时发现它已经停了。
Not having completed the design of this device in last month, I am very sorry. 上个月没有完成这台装置的设计,我很抱歉。
Not having done the experiment right, I tried again and succeeded. 我没有做好实验,就再试一次,终于成功了。
Not having heard of Yu Dan until then, and I generally being confused when people speak in Nanjing-hua, we bought her Yu Dan's Insights on “Zhuangzi” instead, since it was in piles at the bookstore (realizing our mistake, XM went back the next day and sco 那时我还没有听说过于丹,而且一直对南京话似懂非懂,所以我们就错误地帮她买了一本《于丹〈庄子〉心得》,这书在书店里可是堆了好高的一摞啊(认识到我们买错了,XM第二天又去了一趟,找到了那本《于丹〈论语〉心得》)。

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