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Chalazogamy is seen in certain trees and shrubs, e.g. beech.

Chairperson: Dean, Prof. Huei-Huang Chen, Tatung Univ./Dean of College of Management and Design, and Director of Center for Strategic and Industrial Studies. 座谈主持人:大同大学经营学院兼战略暨产业研究中心主任陈煇煌教授.
Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade. 桌椅飞向拱廊街上。
Chaisuma, a tea drink used in Tibet, is a hot, well whipped mix of a strong infusion of pressed tea with yak butter and salt. 制作方法是把茶叶磨成微粒,做成抹茶,然后用竹刷子不停搅拌(如同我们打鸡蛋)成泡沫状。
Chakras 11 and 12 work together to retain balance between the masculine and feminine sides of the form along with ones life dance, or movement between times of beingness and outward moving activity. 第11和12脉轮一起工作来维系身体阴阳两侧﹑生命之舞以及内在存在及外向行动之不同时期间的平衡。
Chalaza (pl.chalaxae or chalazas) The region of an angiosperm ovule where the nucellus and integuments merge. 合点:被子植物胚珠上的一个区域,在合点处珠心和珠被愈合。
Chalazogamy is seen in certain trees and shrubs, e.g. beech. 在一些树木和灌木中比较常见,例如山毛榉。
Chalcosis oculi is an uncommon disease entity. 摘要眼球铜质沉积症并不常见。
Chaliapin remained in Russia for a while after the revolution (he thought of himself as a man of the people and was therefore basically sympathetic to socialist aspirations), but eventually found the Communist regimentation as distasteful as the Romanov, 夏里亚宾虽于十月革命之后不久仍滞留于俄罗斯(因为那是他极度天真幼稚地认为他作为一个人是属于人民的,并因此对社会主义者的渴望给予根本上的同情),可最后终于清楚觉悟到共产党组织的集权统治其实和沙皇罗曼诺夫的独裁统治一样,是极端令人恶心厌恶的,并于之后移居别处。
Chalk this round up to me, please, barman. 服务员, 请把这些人的费用记在我的帐上.
Chalk this round up to me, please, barman. 服务员,请把这些人的费用记在我的帐上.
Chalk up my score as I go on. 我打球,你给我记分。

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