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The shearing rigidity of slabs is great effected by the cavum, especially to perpendicular slabs, slanting cracks always arises on endlong ribs.

The sex attractant for yellow tortrix, Acleris fimbriana Meyrick,(E) , tetradecadienal(E, -:Ald),was synthesized via Wittig reaction from two readily available starting materials. 黄斑卷蛾 (AclerisfimbrianaMeyrick)性诱剂的主要成分为 (反 ) , 十四碳双烯醛 (简式E, :Ald)。
The sex chromosome. 性染色体Z为中着丝粒染色体,W为近端着丝粒染色体。
The sex cycle,bacterium vaginae,fungus of animals were examined from vaginal smear,and plasma estrogen (E_) was determined as well. 观察阴道涂片的性周期、阴道杆菌、真菌改变及血浆 E_水平。
The shade density of 7% was suitable for Araceae and 0% for Agavaceae. 天南星科和龙舌兰科植物长势较好的遮光度分别为7%和0%左右;
The sharps of lesion were round-like (n= ), irregular (n=9), triangular and polygonal (n=). 病灶呈类圆形例,不规则形9例,三角和多角形例。
The shearing rigidity of slabs is great effected by the cavum, especially to perpendicular slabs, slanting cracks always arises on endlong ribs. 开孔对板的抗剪性能影响很大,对于横孔板,剪力较大时会在纵肋上出现斜裂缝,而且横孔板的抗剪性能明显没有顺孔板好。
The shell height of scallop averaged .0 ± 0.9 cm in the period of massive death. 发病期扇贝壳高平均为 .0± 0 .9cm。
The shell is divided into orthogonal or oblique crossing girder systems,which make up a space rigid frame structure,then an analysis is made of the endogen force of the shell structure based on the curved lever space rigid frame structure. 该方法通过将壳体结构离散成相互垂直或斜交的曲杆梁系组成的空间刚架结构,进而分析曲杆空间刚架结构的内力,达到壳体内力分析的目的.
The shell length of limpet at Geography Bay is cm longer by average than the east coast. 西海岸帽贝个体的腹足面积和壳高的回归直线的斜率均大于东海岸帽贝的对应值。
The ship arrival law, lock operation strategy, and lockage dispatching are studiedbase on the queuing theoiy, decision theory, and integer programming. 作者应用排队论、决策论、整数规划等最优化理论,从船舶到达规律、船闸运行策略和船舶过闸调度决策三方面深入研究了船闸的运行调度方法。
The shoots differentiation rate of the callus cultured in differentiation medium (MSR c,MS +casamino acids 00 mg/L +glutamine 00 mg/L +proline 00 mg/L +mannitol . g/L+maltose 0 g/L+TDZ 0. mg/L +phytagel g/L pH .8) was over 90%. 采用MSR c (MS +casaminoacids 0 0mg/L +glutamine 0 0mg/L +proline 0 0mg/L +mannitol g/L +maltose 0 g/L +TDZ 0 mg/L +phytagel g/LpH 8)为分化培养基 ,愈伤组织分化率均在 90 %以上。

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