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Quick diathermancy avoid damage to CMOS chip and solder. Precise design and good technics avoid damage due to attrition. Vacuumize avoid alterative because of oxygenation during transportation. Antistatic plastic core.

Quick at meal, quick at work. 吃饭快,做事也快。
Quick at meat, quick at work. 肉要积极吃,活也要积极干。
Quick bread takes less time to prepare than yeast bread. 制作快速面包所花的时间比发酵面包要少。
Quick closing valves, water hammer or supply pressure fluctuations can cause intermittent discharge. 迅速关闭阀门,水锤或供应压力波动可能导致间歇性排放。
Quick decision is characteristic of him. 快速决定是他的特征。
Quick diathermancy avoid damage to CMOS chip and solder. Precise design and good technics avoid damage due to attrition. Vacuumize avoid alterative because of oxygenation during transportation. Antistatic plastic core. 传热吸收快,尽可能的避免对芯片和焊盘的损坏;精确的设计和制造工艺避免磨擦对焊盘可能造成的损坏;真空包装避免産品在运输途中氧化变质;防静电塑料芯;符合美国军队及国家宇航局各种标准.
Quick dry, high durability in ordinary fouling conditions. 干燥快,在普通海水中具有良好的耐久性。
Quick dry, low temperature drying. 干燥快,可低温干燥。
Quick drying , can be applied at 20℃ below. 干燥快,可在-20℃下施。
Quick drying. Can be applied at 20℃ below zero. 干燥快,可在-20℃下施工。
Quick hits: Darrell Rasner played long toss before Saturday's contest. ... 球场快报:雷斯纳周六赛前投了许多球。

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