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Tongbai County of Henan Province is one of the high-epidemic areas of bovine theileriosis.In 1985,gelatin-protected schizont cell vaccine for 20,000 cattle was introduced.From Ningxia Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine against Theileria

Toney did his best work with right leads, including two massive ones late in the bout. 托尼确实右手出击很出色,包括在比赛的后期的两个大摆拳。
Tong Li:Headmaster,Lecturer,41 years old, had ever worked in a normal school for over ten years before starting CBCP school. 童立:校长、讲师,现年41岁,曾从事十余年的师范教育工作,其论文多次发表于不同的报刊杂志上。
Tong Xin from Hangzhou Station and Zhao Xinrui from Qingdao Station outdid other opponents and won the laurel of “Health Ambassador”. 经过激烈的角逐之后,来自杭州空管站的童心和来自山东青岛空管的赵蕊芯分获男女“健康大使”的殊荣。
Tong in Room 602, Student services to procure an admit slip. if a student needs an admit slip for absence on a previous day, he/she should retrieve it during his/her own free time. failure to do this will cause another late or absence. 若学生前一天缺课,必须在第二天上课前利用课余时间到学生处领取《课堂准入条》并交给任课教师,否则将会导致又一次迟到或缺课。
Tong, J.-H. , (2003) “The Development of Concrete Quality Evaluation System-Automation of Measurement and Wireless Data Transfer,” the 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Jeju, Korea. 童建桦(2003),“暂态弹性波波速系统在混凝土品质检测之应用,”第三届公共工程非破坏检测研讨会,台北。
Tongbai County of Henan Province is one of the high-epidemic areas of bovine theileriosis.In 1985,gelatin-protected schizont cell vaccine for 20,000 cattle was introduced.From Ningxia Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine against Theileria 河南省桐柏县是牛环形泰勒虫病流行的多发区,对养牛业危害十分严重,1985年该县从宁夏农林科学院畜牧兽医研究所引进“虫苗”2万头份,在区域试验的基础上在全县16个乡(镇)进行了大面积防疫注射,经年终统计表明:虫苗安全性100%,注苗15000头(其中有水牛4500头),发病3头,发病率0.02%;未注苗36000头,发病2060头,发病率5.7%,实际有效保护率达99.98%,取得了明显的社会经济效益。
Tongbang, brass, copper platoon processing manufacturing. 铜棒,铜管、铜排加工制造。
Tongbanglazhi, machinery parts, accessories watercourses, water heaters accessories manufacturing. 铜棒拉制、机械配件、水道配件、热水器配件制造。
Tonggan, copper wire processing manufacturing. 铜杆,铜丝加工制造。
Tonggan, copper wire processing, motor freight. 铜杆,铜丝加工,汽车货运。
Tongji is a small and basic restaurant in the western old downtown, without an eye-catching front, or large space (smaller than 30 square meters) or decent decoration. 就喺广州的老西关,有一间好细间的饮食档口仔叫做“同记白切鸡”,佢既冇醒目的门面,亦冇宽敞的位置(不够三十平方)同埋大方得体的装修。

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