For example, it's an indisputable fact that we are all made of the precise same substance as the most intelligent, creative, magnificent life-forms in the entire universe.
例如,我们都是由极其相同的物质组成的,是整个宇宙中最聪明、最有创造力、最高贵的生命形式。这是一个不争的事实。 |
For example, last year, there were 3 cases of women committing suicide by gassing themselves in their houses, all of whom were aged between 30-40 yrs old.
例如去年一个案例,天水围中三名中年女性在屋中烧炭自杀,年龄均在30-40岁之间。 |
For example, let's say you are playing your DMC on 8 mentality.
由于在战术面板上的位置设定,他将在向前传球的同时也向后传球。 |
For example, let's take average paragraph length.
以平均段落长度为例。 |
For example, listeners are presented with tones that alternate in loudness (...loud-soft-loud-soft...) or duration (...long-short-long-short...) and are asked to indicate their perceied grouping.
例如将不同音阶和长度不同的音乐放给测试者听,如高音-中音-高音-中音或者长音-短音-长音-短音,要求他们指出所听到的声音类型。 |
For example, males tend to have a turned-up nose while females tend to have a greater slope and rounded nose.
例如,雄鱼的鼻子略向上翘,而雌鱼的鼻子较为突出和圆润。 |
For example, manufacturers created dirt and water repellent paint after studying the lotus flower, which has a self-cleansing surface.
例如,从莲花叶的自净能力中得到启示而研究出排尘排水涂层。 |
For example, many corporate bonds are callable (i.e., the company has an option to repurchase them for their face value).
例如,许多公司债券是可提前赎回的(即,公司有一个按其面值回购的选择权)。 |
For example, many handgun manufacturers recommend that their handguns always be carried with the hammer down on an empty chamber.
举例来说,很多手枪制造商说明他们的手枪应该放下击锤并空膛(指空出对正枪管和击锤的那个弹膛--九斤注)携行。 |
For example, many rusts overwinter on alternate hosts.
例如,许多锈菌在转主寄主上越冬。 |
For example, many sound cards include their own processor.
举例来说,许多语音卡包括他们自己的处理机。 |