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A localized thickening and enlargement of the horny layer of the skin.

A local woman had sent the new doctor an invitation to dinner.In resphonse,the doctor sent a note that the hostess found totally illegible. 一位住在当地的女士写了封信邀请新来的大夫到她家吃饭,大夫加了信,但字迹潦草,根本无法辩认。
A locale contains a set of user preferences, like language, country, region, and cultural conventions. 区域设置是一组与用户的语言、国家/地区以及文化传统有关的用户首选信息。
A locality at county level or above shall establish a local all-level federation of trade unions. 县级以上地方建立地方各级总工会。
A localized pathological change in a bodily organ or tissue. 机能障碍,器官损害身体内器官或组织局部的病理转变
A localized protective reaction of tissue to irritation, injury, or infection, characterized by pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes loss of function. 发炎动物组织针对外界刺激、伤害、感染的一种固定保护性发应,表现为疼痛、发红、肿大,有时丧失功能
A localized thickening and enlargement of the horny layer of the skin. 鸡眼,老茧皮肤角质层的局部增厚和增大
A location in a program at which execution is to be stopped and control of the processor switched to the debugger. 一个在程序中的地址,在那里程序的执行被停止,并且处理器的控制转换到了除错程序。
A location path can be absolute or relative. 区域路径表达式可以是绝对路径,也可以是相对路径。
A locator is a node that marks a position in world space. 一个定位器是一个节点在世界坐标空间的标记的一个位置。
A lock is better than suspicion. 宁可上把锁,也勿乱疑人。
A locust is a kind of destructive insect. 蝗虫是一种害虫。

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