It is mainly composed of caustic soda 0 %,sodium silicate 0 %,Peregal O .7 %,sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate . %,magnesium sulfate . %.
其主要组成为:氢氧化钠0%,硅酸钠0%,平平加O .7%,十二烷基苯磺酸钠.%,硫酸镁.%,葡萄糖酸钠.%,双氧水 mL/L。 |
It is maintained that university should abide by the law in its management,shouldnot limit or deprive students' legal rights,and should respect and protect students marital autonomy and reproductive right.
高校管理依法,不能限制或剥夺学生的法律权利,必须尊重和保护学生婚姻自主权和生育权; |
It is more likely that the Nanjing belongs to Homo sapiens sapiens.
南京号头骨很大可能是属于智人亚种(Homo sapiens sapiens)中的一员。 |
It is must be realized soberly that the mobile market will still be an " mix " within quite long period, that is to say the networks of G and G would work together, depending on each other and being a complement to one another.
必须清醒地认识到,在相当长的时期内,移动市场将是一个“混合”的时代,既有G网络,又有 G的网络,既相互依存,又互为补充。 |
It is necessary for the industrial land reform to substitute the unseen hand of the market for the seen hand of the local government.
本文认为以市场这只看不见的手替代政府这只看得见的手为宗旨的制度创新是土地使用制度改革的必由之路。 |
It is necessary to resect pelvic node of stage I.
盆腔淋巴结切除对临床Ⅰ期宫颈癌是必要的。 |
It is not a crime to goad or incite others to help himself to damage of forge proofs.
教唆、指使他人帮助自己毁灭、伪造证据的,不构成帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪的共犯。 |
It is not that an independent real right shows the way commonly to endorse.
背书不是独立的物权公示方式。 |
It is not the necessary requirements for the establishment of this crime to 'kidnap the victim off the original locality'.
本罪的成立不要求“以将被害人劫离原处所”为要件。 |
It is noticed that alkaline (A) and pH are interdependent in producing the toxica-tion on fishes. The relationship of the h TLm is pH = (0.00+0.0 8)-(0.09+0.007) A(n = ,r= -0.97, s=0.0).
碱度(A)和 pH值对鱼类的致死作用存在着相互影响的作用,其小时半致死关系方程为:pH=(0.00±0.0 8)-(0.09±0.0007)A,(N=,r=O.97,s=O.0)。 |
It is of enormous importance for screening and breeding of the plant monitoring SO_ and the plant resistant to SO_ to research into the effects of SO_ on plants at protean level as a whole.
从蛋白质整体动态水平上研究二氧化硫(SO_)对植物的影响,对从分子水平上了解植物对SO_胁迫的反应具有重要意义。 |