Soil microbial diversity is an important content of soil microbial ecology, which is a new frontal field in ecology.
土壤微生物多样性是土壤微生物生态学的重要研究内容,目前已成为国际上生态学发展的崭新方向之一。 |
Soil moisture availability is the major factor limiting the area sown to crops and their yield.
土壤水分有效性是限制栽培作物面积及其产量的主要因素。 |
Soil moisture curve is elementary curve that shows the relation between potential energy and the content of water soil and analyses retaining and transporting in soil water belt.
摘要土壤水分特征曲线是表征土壤中水的含量与势能之间的关系,是研究包气带土壤水分的保持和运移所用到的基本特性曲线。 |
Soil natural thermoluminescence surveying is an accumulation method of measuring radon and it can measure radon in a long time.
摘要土壤天然热释光测量方法是一种累积型测氡方法。 |
Soil nematodes are the most abundant metazoan, which have various types of life-history and feeding habits, and play a key role in soil food web.
线虫作为土壤中数量最丰富的后生动物,其生活史和取食类型多样,在生态系统中发挥着重要作用。 |
Soil of Maifan Stone is distributed generally being rich of selenium and zinc, which is suitable for the planting of famous and excellent tea.
麦饭石土壤分布普遍,并且富含硒、锌元素,适宜名优茶生长。 |
Soil samples from Chongqing and surrounding areas indicate the existence of varying concentrations of heavy metals which may potentially become sources of pollution.
土壤中存在不同程度的重金属并不能断言为污染.某些水溶性重金属有流失入水源的可能性才能被考虑成有潜在性的污染源。原文不够严密,有危言耸听之虑。 |
Soil seed banks of bare alkali-saline patches, which were extremely small and difficult to recruit naturally, may inhibit speed of vegetation restoration.
土壤种子库缺乏是限制次生光硷斑的植被自然恢复能力的一个重要因素。 |
Soil structure is brown loam over red/yellow clay with underlying shale.
土壤结构为咖啡色壤土覆盖红/黄黏土,基底为页岩。 |
Soil-ecosystem has done much with the stability of agriculture, recently the facts influencing the function of soil-ecosystem were not restricting in polluting from physical or chemical sources, the GM technic applying in agriculture not only made the pum
摘要土壤生态系统的功能是否正常直接关系到农业系统的稳定,影响土壤生态系统功能的因素已经不是局限在化学物理污染上了,农业转基因技术的应用,为农业生产带来新的增长点,为消除传统的化学物理污染的同时,也给土壤生态系统带来了更深刻,难以控制的影响因子:转基因生物污染。 |
Soil-nail wall supporting technology formed a gravity earth retaining wall by embedding some given size and given density slender bars and sprayed concrete in reinforced soil.
摘要土钉墙支护技术通过在被加固土体内植入一定长度和密度的细长杆件与喷射混凝土面板,形成了一个类似重力式挡土墙。 |