Fouled twice and then struck out; fouled out to the catcher.
两击出界后三振出局;被捕手接住界外球而出局 |
Fouling intentionally is not one of the most beautiful parts of our game.
故意犯规并不是比赛中最美妙的一部分。 |
Fouls and rains in Florida forced NASA to land the shuttle at a backup landing site.
由于多云和下雨的缘故,NASA(国家航空和宇宙航行局)不得不将亚特兰蒂斯号降落在一个后备的站点。 |
Found 0-6 intelligence quotient to be low, absolute idiot.
找到0-6件智商低下,绝对白痴。 |
Found a handy spot for the can opener.
为开罐头的人找到了一个现成的开启点 |
Found bed and board at an inn.
在一个小旅店找到了床铺和膳食 |
Found cocktail parties distasteful.
发现鸡尾酒会令人反感 |
Found echoes of past civilizations while examining artifacts in the Middle East.
在调查中东的史前古器物时,发现了旧时文明的遗迹 |
Found flowering on wasteland unnoticed, unofficial, accidental.
在一片不起眼的蛮荒之地上建立繁荣。 |
Found his groove playing bass in a trio.
发现他在三重唱中最适合唱低音 |
Found in 1940, the American Diabetes Association is the nation's leading nonprofit health organization providing diabetes research, information and advocacy.
美国糖尿病学会成立于1940年,是美国非营利性卫生健康组织,主要提供糖尿病研究、糖尿病信息和学术推广。 |