N Sync singer Lance Bass is currently undergoing tests to see if he could become the third space tourist. He wants to become the first entertainer in space.
美国五人男子组合超级男孩的成员兰斯·巴斯将进行登陆太空检查,他希望自己成为娱乐界首位登陆太空的歌手。 |
N Ten to one he has forgotten it?
他很可能已经忘记了。 |
N ever climb with the rope behind your legs : in the event of a fall this guarantees a violent topple backwards which may result in the head being bashed against the rock.
绝对不要让绳子绕到你的腿后:因为这种情形坠落保证会猛烈后翻,头可能会去撞到石壁。 |
N is for nature, nature is the glass reflecting truth.
代表自然,自然是反映真理的镜子。 |
N is for nature,nature is the glass reflecting truth.
是自然,自然是真理的反映。 |
N is for nature. Nature is the glass reflecting.
代表自然。自然是反映真理的镜子。 |
N is for natute.Nature is the glass reflecting truth.
代表自然.自然是反映真理的镜子. |
N is for necessity,Necessity konws no law.
代表“需要”。需要前面无法律。 |
N is for necessity. Necessity knows no law.
代表“需要”。需要面前无法律。 |
N o mal healing were observed in all the 7 cases, absorption and poor healing at bot h ends of the graft were not found, too.
所有7例煮沸肿瘤骨均获正常骨愈合,与活骨端相连接的植骨两端未见煮沸肿瘤骨吸收或愈合不良。 |
N places the filename under the cursor into the command line.
将在命令行的相应位置用光标所在位置的文件名(注:这里的意思是源窗口)替代。 |