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It's very annoying.

It's usually hand-sketched on multiple pieces, with different pieces showing different menus, dialog boxes, or window elements. 它通常在多张纸片上手绘,这些纸片显示不同的目录、对话框和窗口元素。
It's usually more polite if the questioner introduces himself first. 通常发问者会先表明自己的身份,这样比较礼貌一些。
It's usually not a good sign when looking at a picture of a 12-year-old makes me want to punch through my monitor in anger. 如果在看一个12岁孩子的照片让我有愤怒地砸掉显示器的想法,这一般来说不是什么好事。
It's usually one of our most popular issues of the year, and most-visited in the archives. 一年当中,这一期非常受欢迎,并且最常被调阅。
It's versatile - it can be customized to perform almost any large-scale computing task - and it's blessedly crash-resistant. 它还多才多艺——它通过量身定做从而能够进行任意一个大型比例的的电脑运算——并且有幸的是,它还能够抵抗住电脑的崩溃。
It's very annoying. 真烦人。
It's very cheap staying in Tunis; for a small consideration you can hire a guide for half a day, and he'll show you round the whole of Carthage. 在突尼斯逗留很合算,出很小一笔费用你就可雇半天导游,他会陪着你参观整个迦太基。
It's very close in here. Would you mind opening the window? "这里面太闷了,把窗子打开好吗?"
It's very close in this room. 这房内十分闷热。
It's very close to the sample. 它与样品非常接近。
It's very cold in the polar regions. 在南北极地带非常寒冷。

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