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5 years service business experience in elevator related industry preferably with a foreign investment company and minimum 2 years experiences of service management.

5 years managing experience in designing and marketing vacuum cleaners to brand names. 5年同类产品自主设计和与品牌经销商合作经验。
5 years of HDD system level experience.Some basic knowledge of HDD head media, servo and RW channel are required. 物理或电气工程学博士,2年以上的硬盘工作经验;或硕士学位加相当5年熟练的硬盘系统经验。了解磁头介质、伺服、读写通道等。
5 years of equipment maintenance and management experience in large-scaled manufacture corporation. Familiar with mechanical machine and equipments. 负责监控车间设备的运行状况,确保生产设备良好运转,制定日常的维修维护与保养计划并负责监控执行。
5 years of interior design education plus 2 years of full-time interior design work experience. 5年室内设计教育加上2年全职室内设计工作经验。
5 years relevant experiences in marketing/sales of food ingredients to Food /snack such as whey powder, Edible Nuts etc. 3至5年食品原料,配料行销经验,如乳清粉,食用果仁等。
5 years service business experience in elevator related industry preferably with a foreign investment company and minimum 2 years experiences of service management. 具有从事电梯相关行业保养业务3-5年经验;具有外资公司从业经验及有两年以上保养管理经验者优先。
5 years working experience in administration. 5年以上行政工作经验.
5 years working in a MNC with extensive experience in inventory and logistic management is essential. 在外资公司有3-5年的工作经验,尤其需要在存货库存管理及物流管理方面有广泛的经验。
5 zone barrel –shaped pocket spring core system with specific elasticity.Made according to the patented SCHLARAFFIA insertion system with soft shoulder comfort zones.With reinforced core cover for permanent sleeping comfort. 五段式独立筒弹簧,极富弹性,SCHLARAFFIA自己研发的专利权---增强肩膀部位,柔软、舒适的嵌入型独立筒,能让人安稳入眠、甜睡。
5What did he put you afoot for?somebody asked. “他干嘛要让你下去走?”有人问。
5.5m and finalised the financial terms of the contract. 对此,摩纳哥俱乐部副主席布里安蒂称双方“达成了良好的谅解”。

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