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Zhang Hong, Wang Chao, Shan Xinjian, Ma Jin. Focal mechanism analysis and parameter estimation of Zhangbei-Shangyi earthquake from differential SAR interferometry. Chinese Science Bulletin ,2002,47(4):334-336.

Zhang F,Yan BP.A database metadata management framework based on grid service.Computer Engineering and Applications,2004,40(29):209-212 (in Chinese with English abstract). 张非,阎保平.一种基于网格服务的数据库元数据管理框架.计算机工程与应用,2004,40(29):209-212.
Zhang Fan, the current president told us we hold this activity with the hope of looking back upon our excellent members' way, their gain and loss, their success and failure”. 俱乐部现任主席,电信系04级的博士张帆告诉记者:“我们举办这样一次活动,就是希望有机会和大家一起回顾我们优秀成员成长的每个里程碑,他们的付出与收获,他们的成功和失败,分享一下他们找工作的经验之谈。
Zhang Fei:Ah Ha! This eighteen foot spearis good for me. 张飞:哈!这把丈八蛇矛最适合我了!
Zhang Guangwen, Researcher of Palace Museum. 张广文,故宫博物院研究馆员。
Zhang Hai: Shall I meet my colleagues? 张海:谢谢,我能见见同事吗?
Zhang Hong, Wang Chao, Shan Xinjian, Ma Jin. Focal mechanism analysis and parameter estimation of Zhangbei-Shangyi earthquake from differential SAR interferometry. Chinese Science Bulletin ,2002,47(4):334-336. 张红,王超,单新建.基于SAR差分干涉测量的张北-尚义地震震源参数反演.科学通报,46(21).
Zhang Hong, Wang Yongdong, Shen Guanglong, He Zonglian, Wang Jun . 1999, Palaeophytogeography and Palaeoclimatic implications of Permian Gigantopterids on the North China Plate. Proc. Int. Conf. Pangea &Palaeozoic Transition. 167-168. 沈光隆,张泓,王军,张双全,2000,陕西渭北煤田石炭-二叠纪植物地层初步研究,第三届全国地层会议论文集。117-124。
Zhang Hong-dao, a common person but a self-taught painter, can express bright colours, coordinated composition. 张宏道是一位无师自通,却能表现出恣意绚烂的色彩、构图协调的素人画家。
Zhang Hua left Taicang Normal School eight years ago. 张华八年前毕业于太仓师范师范学校。
Zhang Hua said he had lost his notebook. 张华说他的笔记本丢了。
Zhang Huixin, Chairman of board and general manager, and all the staff give a warm welcome to all customers' coming. We wish we could make improvement with all partners. 公司董事长、总经理、党委书记张辉新先生携全体员工热忱欢迎国内外客户光临惠顾、愿与各界朋友真诚协作,共创美好明天。

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