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Mt. 13:18 You therefore hear the parable of the one who sowed.

Mt. 12:43 When the unclean spirit goes out from the man, it roams through waterless places, seeking rest, and does not find it. 太十二43污灵从人里面出来,在无水之地荡来荡去,寻找安歇之处,却寻不着。
Mt. 12:44 Then it says, I will return to my house from which I came out. And it comes and finds it unoccupied, swept, and decorated. 太十二44便说,我要回到我所出来我的屋里去。到了,就见里面空着,打扫干净,装饰好了。
Mt. 12:45 Then it goes and takes along with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter in and settle down there. 太十二45于是去另带了七个比自己更恶的灵来,一同进去,住在那里。
Mt. 12:5 Or have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath and are guiltless? 太十二5再者,律法上记着,当安息日,祭司在殿里渎犯了安息日,还是没有罪,你们没有念过么?
Mt. 12:7 But if you knew what this means, ``I desire mercy and not sacrifice,'' you would not have condemned the guiltless. 太十二7还有,你们若明白什么是『我要的是怜悯,不是祭祀,』就不会定无罪的为有罪了。
Mt. 13:18 You therefore hear the parable of the one who sowed. 太十三18所以你们要听这撒种者的比喻。
Mt. 13:21 Yet he does not have root in himself but lasts only for a time, and when affliction or persecution occurs because of the word, immediately he is stumbled. 太十三21只因他里面没有根,不过是暂时的;一旦为道遭遇患难或逼迫,就立刻绊跌了。
Mt. 13:22 And the one sown in the thorns, this is he who hears the word, and the anxiety of the age and the deceitfulness of riches utterly choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. 太十三22还有那撒在荆棘里的,就是人听了道,后来有今世的思虑,和钱财的迷惑,把道全然挤住了,道就不能结实。
Mt. 13:23 But the one sown on the good earth, this is he who hears the word and understands, who by all means bears fruit and produces, one a hundredfold, and one sixtyfold, and one thirtyfold. 太十三23但那撒在好土里的,就是人听了道,也领悟了,他就结出果实,有的结了一百倍,有的六十倍,有的三十倍。
Mt. 13:25 But while the men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares in the midst of the wheat and went away. 太十三25及至人们睡觉的时候,他的仇敌来了,将稗子撒在麦子中间,就走了。
Mt. 13:29 But he said, No, lest while collecting the tares, you uproot the wheat along with them. 太十三29他就说,不,免得薅集稗子,连麦子也一齐带根薅出来。

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