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Compared to other poisonous weeds, swain-sonine is the toxic constituent of Astragalus variabilis Bunge.

Compared to many countries in the world, we are lucky to have the political freedoms, the quality medical care, education system, and low poverty that we enjoy. 对比哪些其他国家,我们幸运地拥有政治上的自由,优良的医疗条件,和教育制度,以及低的贫穷人口数目。
Compared to me, other wonders of the universe pale into insignificance . 宇宙间的其它奇迹,和我相比,都显得无足轻重。
Compared to normal procedure, simplified criminal procedure costs comparatively low in procedure; thereupon, it saves judicial resources and promotes the efficiency of lawsuit. 与普通程序相比,简易刑事程序在程序耗费上相对较低,节约司法资源,提高诉讼效率。
Compared to other office buildings in Tsim Sha Tsui, the Gateway Tower has a higher efficiency rate of up to eighty percent. 比起尖沙咀其他的商业大厦,港塔大厦使用率高达八成。
Compared to other places this place is very reasonably priced for the high quality dim sum you order. 跟别的点心餐厅比这里高质量的点心不算贵。
Compared to other poisonous weeds, swain-sonine is the toxic constituent of Astragalus variabilis Bunge. 通过与同类植物的比较分析,证明苦马豆素就是变异黄芪的主要有毒成分。
Compared to other similar drugs it is more toxic than cocaine and stronger than methamphetamines. And, because its effects last for up to 48 hours, it is easy to fatally overdose. 跟同类毒品比较之下,毒性比古柯硷和安非他命还要强,由于药效长达48小时,很容易因为吸毒过量,导致猝死。
Compared to others, Xu Benyu can understand more those impoverished child. 徐本禹比别人更能体会到贫困对一个孩子成长的影响。
Compared to ours their house is a palace. 他们的房子和我们的相比简直太豪华了.
Compared to poststack time migration, prestack time migration results in clear images of fractures and cavities in the Ordovician carbonate rocks, and definite unconformities at top of the Ordovician. 叠前时间偏移与叠后时间偏移结果相比,具有丰富的奥陶系碳酸盐岩裂缝-溶孔内幕,清晰的奥陶系顶不整合面。
Compared to proprietary products, FOSS is ideal for localizing. 与私有软件相比,自由软件更适合于本地化。

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