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At the beginning of the game two players from one of the competing teams face off in the middle of the field and maneuver for the ball.

At the beginning of the day, we all assembled in the main hall to be addressed by the head master. 这句话的大概意思应该是:每天早晨,我们都集中在大厅里听校长讲话。
At the beginning of the film the father-in-law of the protagonist dies unexpectedly of a heart attack. 电影开始的时候主角的岳父心脏病发作出乎预料的死亡了。
At the beginning of the first year, MSTC of Nankai Unversity had a reelection. How do new secretaries look on the club and their new jobs? 新学年开始,南开大学MSTC换届了。随着年级增加,学业负担不断上升,老部长们将手中的工作交付给信任的人,带着不舍的心情离开了。新部长们是怎样看待俱乐部、面对自己的新工作的呢?
At the beginning of the game our team gained the upper hand. 比赛一开始,我们队就占了上风。
At the beginning of the game our team gained the upper hand.But by and by,we lost our strength. 比赛一开始,我们队占上风。可到最后却失利了。
At the beginning of the game two players from one of the competing teams face off in the middle of the field and maneuver for the ball. 在比赛开始时,竞赛双方之一的两名队员面对面站在场地中央然后开球。
At the beginning of the interview, greet the interviewer with a firm handshake, maintain eye contact, and use the interviewer's name early and frequently. 面试开始,要先和面试官握手向其问好,面试过程中要保持目光接触,尽早或不时地提到面试官的名字。
At the beginning of the last century, Listrac was one of the largest appellation in Médoc. 上世纪初,利斯塔克属于梅铎克最大的葡萄酒产区。
At the beginning of the new century, the plant will continue to forge ahead, and to meet new community needs, meet the challenges of a higher level. 新世纪伊始,本厂将不断开拓进取,推陈出新以满足社会各界的需求,迎接更高层次的挑战。
At the beginning of the new decade, money became available for our first £1 million-plus purchases, midfielders Andy Townsend and Dennis Wise, but the seasons that followed were frustrating. 90年代初期,我们花费了100万英镑引进了中场球员安迪.汤森和丹尼斯.怀斯,但是这个赛季并不成功。
At the beginning of the program, according to PPJ, 64 percent of the children in targeted households were malnourished. 根据PPJ的数据,计划刚启动时,被扶助家庭的儿童百分之六十四营养不良。

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