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The ocean stretched as far as they could see on all sides.

The occurrence,development and transference of carcinoma of the mammary gland are closely related to qi deficiency and blood stasis,and therefore using the method of invigorating qi and promoting blood circulation as the basic method in the treatment is t 卞卫和教授认为乳腺癌的发生、发展、转移在病因病机上与气虚血瘀密切相关,故术后整个治疗过程中以益气活血为基本大法是取得乳腺癌病情稳定、好转乃至痊愈的关键步骤。
The ocean depths would act as the refugia. 海洋的深水处扮演起生物避难所的角色。
The ocean floor gets pushed under, and its salty rocks, along with shells and bones, are lost deep within Earth. 这样,大洋底受到了挤压,含有盐分的岩石,连同生物的贝壳和骨骼,被埋在了地球深处。
The ocean is the driving force behind the entire weather system. 整个天气体系变化的动力是海洋.
The ocean lanes are always busy. 远洋航路总是很繁忙.
The ocean stretched as far as they could see on all sides. 海洋十分辽阔,他们极目远眺无边无涯。
The ocean water is a bit chilly for a casual swim, but the scuba diving is fantastic. 但是来一次配戴水肺的潜水会是非常有意思的。
The ocean's soothing melodies along with meditative, celestial sounds of the flute and tambura on ENVIRONMENT 1 flow together harmoniously to wash away the distractions of the day. 那舒缓的海洋声和发人深思的空灵长笛声以及印度塔姆布拉琴声和谐地交织在一起,替你冲刷掉一整天的杂乱思绪。
The oceans actually form one continuous body of water. 海洋实际上是由一个连续不断的水域构成的。
The oceans are large bodies of water. 海洋是广大的水域。
The oceans are predicted to decrease in size, allowing Maitreya to traverse them freely. 海洋被预知是尺寸减少,允许弥勒自由地在它们中间驰骋。

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