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Calderoli, a firebrand leader of the populist Northern League party, told La Stampa daily earlier this week he had the experience needed to look after the wolf cubs and had previously kept a tiger. I know how to manage them.

Calcutta bankers advise that the company was originally established in 1947 by Mr. Charles E. Smith, to conduct a business in chemicals, cement, paper, milk-products, etc., as importers and indentors. 根据加尔各答的银行通知,该公司是由C.E.史密斯先生在1947年创立的,其主要业务为药品、水泥、纸张及乳制品等货物的进口与购买。
Caldari Cruiser >Skill at operating Caldari cruisers. 卡尔达利巡洋舰》操纵卡尔达利巡洋舰的技能。
Caldari Frigate >Skill at operating Caldari frigates. 卡尔达利护卫舰》操纵卡尔达利护卫舰的技能。
Caldari Industrial >Skill at operating Caldari industrial ships. Can not be trained on Trial Accounts. 卡尔达利工业舰》操纵卡尔达利工业舰的技能。体验帐号无法训练(这招好毒~)。
Calder's art appeals to the imagination. 卡得的艺术充满了想像力。
Calderoli, a firebrand leader of the populist Northern League party, told La Stampa daily earlier this week he had the experience needed to look after the wolf cubs and had previously kept a tiger. I know how to manage them. 卡尔代罗利是意大利北方联盟的一位政治领袖,他曾声称,自己有足够的经验可以照顾好那些刚出生的小狼,而且以前他还养过一只老虎。
Calderon claimed the club had held talks with Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich over Robben and that the Russian tycoon had indicated he was willing to do a deal. 他说俱乐部正在和切尔西老板阿布进行罗本德转会事宜,据称阿布会准备出售罗本。
Calderon, elected Real president this summer, believes the double Premiership champions are over-inflating transfer fees for other European clubs and expressed concern at the huge financial loss the Blues have made since Abramovich arrived. 今年夏天刚被任命为皇家马德里俱乐部主教练的卡尔德隆认为英超卫冕冠军与欧洲其他足球俱乐部相比为转会费投入了过多的资金,而且他也对自从阿布入主切尔西之后这家俱乐部巨大的财政损失表示极大的关注。
Calderwood might smell the liquor on his breath and disapprove, but he was past that, too. 考德伍德可能从他嘴里嗅到酒气,从而表示不满,可是他已经不在乎这种事了。
Caleb [Hebrew bold impetuous] the son of Jephunneh. 迦勒(希伯来语勇敢无畏之意)是耶孚尼的儿子。
Caleb was Courageous, Consecrated to god, Vigorous and faithful in old age and Invincible because he drove out the giants from his inheritance. 迦勒勇敢无畏,对上帝敬虔,体力充沛,到老都很虔诚有信心,因为他从他的袭封之地上赶走了巨人。

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