The experimental results indicated that if the emptying scour was employed in the Changma reservoir, the deposition in the reservoir could be efficiently driven out and the reservoir life can be extended.
选择水库运用过程中两个关键性的淤积高程,进行对水库排沙不利的丰水丰沙年和枯水丰沙年两个水文年7月份水沙过程泄空冲刷试验。 |
The experimental results indicated that the colour-changing ranges got narrow, and the titration accuracy was increased when an appropriate surfactant micellar solution was chosen as a titration medium.
实验结果表明,表面活性剂存在时,酸碱指示剂的离解平衡及其变色范围将发生改变,选择适当的胶束溶液作为滴定介质,可以扩大酸碱指示剂的应用范围,同时也可以提高滴定的准确度。 |
The experimental results indicated that the tea waste powder as an additive to UF resin could reduce its free formaldehyde content and reduce the formaldehyde emission of UF resin bonded plywood; the tea waste powder with much less size was easily mixed w
实验结果表明,茶叶废料作为填料添加到脲醛树脂胶黏剂中,能够降低其游离甲醛含量以及其黏接胶合板的甲醛释放量;茶叶废料颗粒度越小,与脲醛树脂混合性越好,消除甲醛效果越显著;茶叶废料的适量加入不会降低胶合板胶合强度。 |
The experimental results of 363 college students in a 2×2×2×2 mixed design show that firms with positive image and endorsing for fit products are more likely to success than negative image or unfit ones.
经二次预试选出食品饮料业与资讯通讯业各四家真实企业做为研究标的,采2(旗下品牌数目多少)×2(强势/弱势地位)×2(形象佳/普通)×2(类别契合度高/低)的混合实验设计,以363位大学生为研究样本。 |
The experimental results of the catalysts such as p-toluene sulfonic acid, strongly acidic cationic exchange resin, sulfo-polyvinyl chloride resin ferric chloride hexahydrate, polyvinyl chloride-ferric chloride resin chlorinated polyvinyl chloride-ferric
摘要评述了对甲苯磺酸、强酸性阳离子交换树脂、磺化聚氯乙烯树脂、六水三氯化铁、聚氯乙烯-三氯化铁树脂、氯化聚氯乙烯-三氯化铁树脂、二水氯化亚锡、十二水合硫酸铁按、硫酸铁-硫代硫酸钾复盐、四水硫酸铈、一水硫酸氢钠、硫酸氢钾、三氧化二钕、固体超强酸和杂多酸等催化剂催化合成氯乙酸乙酯的实验结果。 |
The experimental results proved correctness of theory and feasibility of method.
试验结果表明,检测原理正确、方法可行。 |
The experimental results reveal that it helps greatly in developing students' integrated skills and improves their English comprehensively.
通过教学实践得出的初步试验结果,说明该教学模式有助于全面提高学生的英语水平。 |
The experimental results show that by using this method, the nonlinear systems in、earphones can be analyzed qualitatively, that the linear and nolinear regions can be determined, and that the pulse and frequency response can be measured simultaneously.
结果表明,这种方法对于耳机这种较弱的非线性系统能很好地定性分析,界定耳机的线性与非线性区域;并且能同时测量耳机的脉冲响应和频率响应,这是常规方法所无法比拟的。 |
The experimental results show that decreasing rolling temperature is helpful in getting the fine austenite grain size in comparison with the conventional rolling deformation temperature, which is a kind of potential technique for improving the general pro
实验结果表明:降低轧制温度有利于得到较细小的高温奥氏体晶粒,是一种提高工件综合性能的新工艺。 |
The experimental results show that it is feasible with the aids of chemical change that could transfer non-electrochemical active base substances in oils to electrochemical active Cu(superscript 2+), and the method can meet with the demand to determinatio
研究结果表明,通过化学转换将润滑油中的碱性物质(电化学技术不可测量)转换为铜离子(电化学可测量)来完成润滑油总碱值的测定是可行的,并可以满足测定时对于可行性、重复性和准确性的要求,还具有自动化程度高、操作简单、测定时间短等优点,适合进行现场润滑油测定。 |
The experimental results show that the DPF system has 95% high trapping efficiency, and over 89% high regeneration efficiency, low back pressure, good adaptability to engine operating conditions.
试验结果表明:系统的碳烟过滤效率高达95%,排气背压低,再生效率超过89%,工况适应性好。 |