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The original flavour, complexity refinement come from more than 50 single malt flavours.

The original concept's intention and the complex requirements of the program were to be structured sensibly and concise, so that generous free spaces could be created. 计划的最初始意图,在于合理、清晰地安排整个空间功能需求,并创造出广大的户外空间。
The original copy of applicant XX's Bankbook for Pension, Medical Insurance Book &applicant XX's Social Insurance Card. 申请人的退休工资存折原件、医疗保险证原件。申请人的社会保险卡原件。
The original copy will be sent later. 正本将于稍后寄送。
The original enterprise logistics and new logistics are analysed and compared. By appling distribution plan and detailing stock management of ERP, working efficiency is raised and logistics cost is redused. 摘要对原有企业物流及现有企业物流技术进行了对比分析,通过实施配送计划、细化ERP的库存管理等措施,提高了工作效率,降低了物流成本。
The original fear that may have been the size of a stone will now turn into the size of a boulder and then a mountain. 本来也许只是一颗石头般大的恐惧,现在将变成一块巨石,然后是一座山一般的大。
The original flavour, complexity refinement come from more than 50 single malt flavours. 它独创的香味和复杂、精致的风格源自50多种单一麦芽威士忌的风味。
The original flow rate formula of parobolic throat flume used for U-shaped channel is implicit function and is not convenient for calculation in irrigation districts.An simplified formula is developed in this paper,with a di fference between results calcu 用于U形渠道量水的抛物线形喉口式量水槽原流量公式为隐函数形式,针对其使用不便的现状,通过理论分析推导出了显函数形式的量水槽流量公式,计算结果与原流量公式比较相对误差值<0.5%。
The original habitat of coloured glaze is in Mexico, Turkey and so on volcano regions; the quiet and beautiful green light, the transparency are high, the inside mineral substance and the air bubble belong to when the volcanic eruption naturally produces 琉璃的原产地在墨西哥、土耳其等火山地带;清幽的绿色光线、透明度高,里头的矿物质和气泡属于火山爆发时自然产生的‘琉璃’。
The original human was a magnificent being whose twelve strands of DNA were contributed by a variety of sentient civilizations. 最初人类是一庄严存在,通过许多觉知文明捐献给12条DNA。
The original image is transformed by wavelet transforming, and the watermark is embedded in the selected detail subband according to neighboring symbols average value. 原始载体图像经小波变换后,根据邻近特徵平均值将水印嵌入到小波域中所选择的细节子带上。
The original impact gets lost, or diffused. 这种原有的冲击最终迷失或者弥散。

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