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Biodiversity and Ecosystem Protection in Nanlin Mountain Region and Environment Safety

Quantification and phenotypic analysis of hCMV specific CTL in peripheral blood from HLA-A2~ donors HLA-A2~ 供者外周血hCMV特异性CTL的定量及其表型分析
A Preliminary Study of Foraminifera and Ostracod Assemblages in the Liaodong Bay 辽东湾表层沉积中有孔虫介形虫研究
Effects of Salicylic Acid on Some Enzyme Activities Related to Stress Resistance and Content of MDA in Vanilla planifolia 水杨酸对香荚兰抗逆相关酶的活性和丙二醛含量的影响
Neocartilage Formation in vitro Using Transduced Mesenchymal Stem Cells Cultured on Biomimetic Biodegradable Polymer Scaffolds 转化生长因子β1基因修饰的间充质干细胞/仿生基质材料的体外复合培养
Progress on the Chicken Functional Genomics 鸡的功能基因组学研究进展
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Protection in Nanlin Mountain Region and Environment Safety 南岭山区的生物多样性和生态系统保护与区域环境安全
Cytotoxiciy of nano-silver/porcine acellular dermis dressings 纳米银猪脱细胞真皮敷料的细胞毒性评估
Immobilization of α-Amylase on PVA Bead and Its Properties PVA小珠表面固定化α-淀粉酶及其性质研究
Application Study on Microteaching Training for Pre-Vocational Normal College Students in Biology Major 生物专业师范生职前培训中微格教学的应用研究
Comparative on microstructure of retinas for Batrachuperus tibetanus and Rana guadranus 北方山溪鲵与隆肛蛙视网膜显微结构的观察比较
Study on the Individual Ecological Field Gradient of the Endangered Plant Alsophila spinulos 濒危植物桫椤个体生态场梯度的研究

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