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Uncle and aunt launched a laundry with the blunt hunter.

Uncle Sam:”Shut the door, please. 山姆叔叔:「请关门。」
Uncle Tat is the supervisor of a profitable seaport pier , which a triad has been eyeing for quite some time . 范通的手下将达叔的工人殴伤,目的是要幸叔让出码头及矿石场一半股权,达叔即时拒绝,更声言不会向恶势力低头。
Uncle Vernon chuckled. Little tyke wants his money's worth, just like his father. 'Atta boy, Dudley!He ruffled Dudley's hair. 弗农姨父咯咯地笑了。“这个小机灵鬼是在算他的进账呢,这一点跟他老爸一模一样。有你的,好小子,达力!”他揉了揉达力的头发。
Uncle Wang like making things . 王叔频喜欢制作小玩意。
Uncle Wang likes making things . 王伯伯喜欢制造东西。
Uncle and aunt launched a laundry with the blunt hunter. 伯伯和伯母与直率的猎人创办了一家洗衣店.
Uncle introduced to me a businessman who is a billionaire. (叔叔把一个亿万富翁介绍给我。)
Uncle will say,Yes,he can go wherever he likes, for he is grown up. 叔叔将会说:“是的,他喜欢去哪儿就去哪儿,因为他是大人了。”
Uncle, this is a Montague, our foe, a villain that is hither come in spite, to scorn at our solemnity this night. 姑父,这是我们的仇家蒙太古家里的人;这贼子今天晚上到这儿来,一定不怀好意,存心来捣乱我们的盛会。
Uncle: I don't wanna save face. 阿叔:我唔系彩。(我不是想贪威。
Uncle: I face pressure, you face pressure too. Why did you provoke me? 阿叔:我有压力,你有压力,你做咩挑釁我啊!(我有压力,你有压力,你干啥挑釁我啊!

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