An integrated analysis of geological and petrochemical characteristics of various porphyry bodies (groups) in this porphyry belt show that porphyry bodies in this belt are cupreous or copper (molybdenum) ones which have good metallogenic prospects.
通过对该斑岩带各斑岩体(群)地质特徵、岩石化学特徵的综合分析,表明其爲含铜斑岩或铜(钼)斑岩,具良好的成矿前景。 |
An integrated approach is proposed to investigate the fuzzy multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) problems,where subjective preferences are expressed by a pairwise comparison matrix on the relative weights of attributes and objective information is expre
研究了结合主观和客观信息的模糊多属性决策问题,其中主客观信息分别由属性权重的两两比较矩阵和决策矩阵组成.提出一种结合主观和客观信息的特征向量决策方法,给出了2种求解基于主客观特征向量法的模糊多属性决策方法.这种方法通过求解2个线性目标规划模型得到最优属性权重,然后,通过对决策信息进行简单的加权集结,得到所有方案的排序结果.最后,通过一个算例说明了该方法的实用性和有效性.结果表明,该方法要比其他主客观结合多属性决策方法简单. |
An integrated circuit is a piece of silicon (a chip) containing numerous transistors.
一个集成电路就是包含许多晶体管的一个硅片(芯片)。 |
An integrated circuit on a piece of semiconductive material.
在一片半导体材料上的一个集成电路。 |
An integrated circuit that contains the entire central processing unit of a computer on a single chip.
微处理机一个芯片上的包含有一个计算机的全部中央处理组件的集成电路 |
An integrated consideration of the reduction of harmful substances and the manufacturing cost shows that the aluminum-silicate filter and multi-material filter also have very promising market application.
从降低卷烟有害成分的比例和成本等综合因素来看,铝硅酸盐类滤嘴和多材料复合滤嘴亦有很好的应用前景和市场需求,应积极进行研制。 |
An integrated digital network in which the same time division switches and digital transmission paths are used to establish connections for different services.
一种综合数字网,其使用相同的时区交换和数字传输路径为不同的连接建立各种服务。 |
An integrated fluorine supply strategy has been demonstrated to be the most effective means of implementing a safe and reliable fluorine supply to users seeking a low-cost replacement for standard chamber clean chemistries.
对一般气相沉积反应器清洗而言,一体化氟气供应策略,对寻求低价取代方案的使用者而言,是最安全和稳定的供应方式。 |
An integrated investment strategy which drives the creation of centres of world class research excellence, provides increased opportunities for entrepreneurs, and the efficient transfer of knowledge and technologies from the research base to business is c
能激发世界级研究中心的创造力、为企业家带来更多机会的一体化投资战略以及将研究基地提供的知识和技术有效转为商业用途的能力至关重要。 |
An integrated process of wastewater treatment and utilization is presented.The process is made up of heating the soft water of room temperature by high temperature printing and dyeing wastewater via heat exchangers,reusing the low level base decrement was
介绍了高温印染废水通过热交换加热常温软水、低浓度碱减量水洗废水用于烟道气除尘脱硫、厌氧-好氧处理一般印染废水等印染废水综合处理技术,该技术具有较好的经济效益,达到了以废治废的目的,生物污泥全部回流硝化,不加任何药剂,无二次污染,处理后水质达到城市截污管网标准要求,是一种较为理想的印染废水处理工艺。 |
An integrated treatment on the present conditions and its contribution factors for pollution of main farm produce in domestic and overseas at present.
摘要本文综合分析目前国内外主要农産品污染的现状及成因。 |