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Fashion necklace set with earring, Length: 43 cm, beads, round pendants of bright colors. welcome to view more style at our site.

Fashion is a very popular magazine in America. 《时尚》是美国很流行的杂志。
Fashion is gentility running away from vulgarity, and afraid of being overtake. 时髦,是逃亡自庸俗而又惟恐被?上的假斯文。
Fashion life make human being have zero distance contacting with nature. 或者是时尚生活(让)人与自然零距离(接触)。
Fashion magazine Vanity Fair has compiled its annual list of the world's best-dressed people. 时尚杂志《名利场》日前评选出了2006年度全球最佳着装人士。
Fashion magazines are glossy. 时装杂志看起来很有光泽。
Fashion necklace set with earring, Length: 43 cm, beads, round pendants of bright colors. welcome to view more style at our site. 时装项链与耳环集,长度:43厘米,珠子,吊坠回合的色彩.鉴于我们欢迎更多的风格在现场.
Fashion trends diffuse themselves rapidly around the globe . 时装新潮很快就在全世界流行起来。
Fashion trends diffuse themselves rapidly around the globe. 时装新潮很快就在全世界流行起来。
Fashion: a despot whom the wise ridicule and obey. 时尚:一个独裁者,聪明人嘲笑他,又不得不服从他.
Fashionable household decoration, creative combination of the mist, water and smoothing lighting, differed from traditional humidifiers. Also it is a perfect scent releaser light with last fragrance. 它是时尚家居装饰品。雾,水,和柔和光线相结合,不同于传统的增湿器,它也是一种完美的芬香机,散发持续的香气和灯光。
Fashioned from the Void by the will of the Great Dragon and blessed from its creation, the empire stands at the heart of the civilized world — a cultural wellspring in a sea of barbarity. 形成于伟大之龙意志的虚无,并受其庇佑,帝国伫立在文明世界的心脏地带——野蛮之海中的文明源泉。

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