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Most rivers flow into the sea.

Most researchers around the world agree that green house gases are to blame for the disappearance of ice. 全世界大多数研究人员认为,温室气体是造成冰川融化的罪魁祸首。
Most resonant mass detectors are made of large, cylindrical aluminum bars. 大多数共振质量探测仪是由巨大的圆柱形铝棒构成。
Most restaurants automatically add a 10% service charge to the bill, but the surcharge often ends up in the pocket of the owner. 大多餐馆自动在账单里加了10%的服务费,但这笔额外的收入最后却常常落到雇主手里。
Most restaurants, cafes and movies have closed due to the country‘s security situation. 由于受到国内安全形势的影响,伊拉克的大多数餐馆、咖啡馆和电影院都停止营业了。
Most rhinoceroses are solitary inhabitants of open grassland, savanna, scrub forest, or marsh in eastern and southern Africa and tropical Asia. 大多数犀牛孤居在宽阔的草原,热带的稀树大草原,灌木林或东南非和亚热带的沼泽里。
Most rivers flow into the sea. 江河大多流入海洋.
Most rock groups lose popularity very quickly, but the Beatles stayed on the beam for many years. 大部分摇滚乐团都很快就不受人欢迎了,但是甲壳虫乐队却多年以来一直博得人们的青睐。
Most salespeople also fail to play to their audience. 还有,很多销售员都不懂跟客户交流。
Most satellite images, such as those displayed in digital mapping applications, are composites assembled over time and are not displayed in real time on the Internet, Rotenberg says. 大多数在数字地图软件上显示的卫星图像,都是延时合成的,并不能实时得在互联网上显示。
Most scarabs were made of steatite which was then covered with a turquoise coloured glaze. 大多数圣甲虫是用滑石做成,然后在滑石上用绿宝石彩釉覆盖。
Most scary movies are rated for adults only. 大部分的恐怖片都被列为“儿童不宜”。

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