What a cynical Mr Putin really wants is a Russian sphere of influence in Europe.
愤世嫉俗的普京总统的真正意愿是俄罗斯能在欧洲占有一席之地。 |
What a dapper little man!
好一个短小精悍的人! |
What a day may bring, a day may take away.
一天带来的,一天也可以带走。 |
What a deceptive notion that is!
这是多么误导人的一种想法啊! |
What a despairing town! It seems to be of no possibility to find a coffee shop to kill time.
多么让人失望的小镇!看来连个咖啡馆打发时间也是不可能的。 |
What a despicable thing.
真是卑鄙下流。 |
What a difference a year makes.
这一年里,火箭的变化真是太大了。 |
What a difference it would make in their ministry, the unceasing prayer for the Spirit to reveal the power that dwells and works in them.
他们若不断的祷告,求圣灵启示出那住在他们里面,并作工在他们里面的大能,他们的服事将有何等大的不同! |
What a dinky little hat!
多漂亮的小帽子! |
What a disagreeable surprise. Let us hope you know the legends and respect your elders.
你的行为真是令人不快,我希望你还知道你目前的所作所为并且还能够做到尊重长者。 |
What a disgusted kind of pest the white ant is!
白蚁这种害虫,实在是相当可恶的。 |