Designing idea: Sweet? Sour ? Fresh? The taste of childhood contained the sour and sweet of the joyful apple .
设计构思:作品灵感来源于红苹果与童年若即若离、似无亦有的关联。甜蜜?酸涩?清凉?童年的味道洋溢着快乐苹果的青涩酸甜。 |
Designing idea: The inspiration comes from liveliness and oddity pixie in the sea .They have the sea's spiritual ,the sea's nimbus and the sea's world .
设计构思:作品灵感来源于活泼可爱、古灵精怪的大海的精灵,他们有海的精神,海的灵气,海的世界,他们是这些可爱的孩子,拥有海精灵般的快乐。 |
Designing idea: This work portrays a wild and energetic kid's image . Materials are black denim, printed georgette ,and black with white spotted cotton fabric .
设计构思:作品反映了一个充满野性和激情的儿童世界,面料选用的是黑斜纹布料,其上附有一层乔其纱,以及黑色带有白点的纯棉布料,表现了动感、激情、活泼、狂野的新时代儿童。 |
Designing object-oriented software is hard,and designing reusable object-oriented software is even harder.
设计面向对象软件比较困难,而设计可复用的面向对象软件就更加困难。 |
Designing requirement base on the premise that ensure the whole sense homepage, At the reading habits of peoples at colors, lineses, pictures,etc. key element navigate , and content district separate function districts one, It is the ultimate goal in orde
首页设计要求在保障整体感的前提下,根据大多数人的阅读习惯以色彩、线条、图片等要素将导航条、各功能区以及内容区进行分隔,以营造高易用性与视觉舒适性的人机交互界面为终极目标。 |
Designing the blade. A special blade is made for Elvis.
特制的锯齿钢片。特别的锯齿钢片是为了艾维斯所量身订制的。 |
Designing your website to be conspicuous will make people remember and think of your website.
将你的网站设计的与众不同可以让人们更好地记住你的网站。 |
Designs and analyzes mechanical systems, equipment and packages.
设计和分析机械系统,设备,和相关器械。 |
Designs and manufactures turbine engine test cells and wind tunnels.
设计生产涡轮发动机测试单元和风洞。 |
Designs can be validated by extensive stress analysis to confirm the capacity of rotating elements such as bearings, gears and shafts.
德事隆通过对旋转部件(如轴承、齿轮、轴等)进行广泛的重点分析以确认其性能,从而对设计进行验证。 |
Designs especially may fold the spring mattress, softness extremely good, the elastic force is extra-heavy, six links springs,cause the human body vertebra and the spring structure by the horizontal material parallel arrangement, helps the spring to compl
特设计可折叠之弹簧床垫,柔软度极佳,弹性力特强,六环直列弹簧,使人体脊椎与弹簧结构以水平资料平行排列,帮助弹簧顺应人体各种支作产生平行回弹力,可保持睡眠中人体脊椎的水平延展姿势,保护您的脊椎,储存您的健康。 |