If you use this option, please be aware that not everyone have the exact fonts installed on their computers. If it happens, they will see other fonts instead.
如果您使用这功能,请留意并非所有人都会安装这些字型。如果他们没有这些字型,他们会见到其他字款。 |
If you use this type of registration system, this page allows you to configure the order form so that it requests the code from the customer and delivers it to you after a purchase.
如果你使用这种注册机制,这个页面允许你配置订单表格,以便它能向顾客请求提供产品序列号然后把它传递给你。 |
If you use what you have learned on this page, and a little imagination, you can easily develop this into a full application.
你只要在学完本页知识的同时加上一丁点想象力,就可以创建更完整的应用程序。 |
If you used your head a little bit, you wouldn't be in trouble like this.
如果稍微用一点脑筋,你就不会惹上这种麻烦了。 |
If you value your lives over your complete annihilation, listen carefully, Leonidas.
如果你看重你们的生命,而不是一举被歼灭,那就仔细听着,列奥尼达。 |
If you venture nothing, you will have nothing.
不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 |
If you visit displays at places like Disneyworld, you can get a glimpse of what some of the predictions are for our lives.
如果你到像迪斯尼世界这样的地方去观赏一下,就会得到一些关于对我们生活的一种大体的预测。 |
If you wait at that bus stop, you can catch the airbus.
假如你在那车站等,就可以搭上机场巴士。 |
If you wait for the other container ports in the port, you can also order the products sent to a designated location.
如果你在其它港口有货柜等待出港,也可以把你订购的产品送到指定的地点。 |
If you wait too long, some other company may snatch your best candidate.
如果你在这中间等待的时间过长,其他的一些公司很可能已经猎取了你的最佳候选人。 |
If you wait until the last minute you might run into unforeseen problems and not have time to correct them.
若贵队等后最后截止时刻才上传,可以会遇到难以预期的问题,而致于没有时间修正网页。 |