I'm afraid it starts with a rather long preamble, but trust me, it's worth it.
我恐怕要有很长的导言,但相信我,它是值得的。 |
I'm afraid it won't be cold enough for a snowfall.
我恐怕天不会冷的下雪。 |
I'm afraid it'll fall all over and bury you underneath if I put this file on top of it.
我怕如果我把这份文件再放上去的话,它会倒下来,把你压死。 |
I'm afraid it's against the hotel's regulations.
这是违反饭店规章制度的。 |
I'm afraid it's going to rain.
恐怕要下雨了。 |
I'm afraid it's next door to impossible that we'll be there on time.
看来我们几乎不可能按时到达那里了. |
I'm afraid it's not going out of work.
我恐怕这事不会成的。 |
I'm afraid my English compares poorly with hers.
恐怕我的英语同她的英语相比要差得多。 |
I'm afraid my German is very rusty.
我害怕我的德文非常生疏。 |
I'm afraid my association with Broadway musicals is rather limited.
我恐怕我对百老汇歌舞剧知道得相当有限。 |
I'm afraid my help didn't avail you much.
恐怕我的帮助对你用处不大。 |