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At the very least you should make an effort to get some idea of the CPU's temperature while crunching.

At the turn of the century,an expedition under the leadership of a maverick academic,Professor Challenger,leaves smog-choked London for the rainforests of South America in search of a mythical land-where it is said that time has stood still and where dino 在世纪交接之时,著名学者车伦卓教授领导一个科学考察团,离开烟雾弥漫的伦敦,远赴南美雨林寻找传说之地-那里时光停顿,恐龙仍遍布大地。
At the turn of the early Tang Dynasty to the prosperous Tang, Chen Yuanguang's Longhu Poetry Anthologyhad some breakthrough success in the theme, aesthetics and style. 摘要初盛唐之交,陈元光《龙湖集》在诗歌题材、审美趣味、诗歌风格等方面均有所突破。
At the upper left is a remnant of squamous esophageal mucosa that has been undermined by an infiltrating squamous cell carcinoma of the mid-esophagus. 左上方是残留的食管鳞状上皮,已被食管中段鳞状细胞癌破坏。
At the upper right is a well-circumscribed neoplasm that is arising in liver. This is an hepatic adenoma. 右上方为源于肝脏的境界分明的肿瘤。是肝腺瘤。
At the very beginning when we study English ,we learn to sing this English song.It has really given me very great inspiration that Enlish is just a language made up by 26 letters,which is so much easier than Chinese. 在我们大家最开始学习英语的时候,我们都会学到这首英文字母歌,这给了我很大的启发,那就是英语就是由这二十六个字母组成的,比汉语要简单多了。
At the very least you should make an effort to get some idea of the CPU's temperature while crunching. 但最起码在你运行分布式计算时你应花点时间了解CPU的温度。
At the very least, foreign buyers or partners may have reason to visit or correspond with your company. 至少,外国的买主或是合作的夥伴就会有目的地来访问你的公司,或是和你的公司有书信往来。
At the very least, it suggests that higher rates are unlikely to harm consumers, so the BoJ should try to normalize them as soon as possible to minimize economic distortions. 至少它提出了,更高的利率不可能伤害到消费者,因此,日本银行应该在可能最小化经济扭曲的同时,尝试着使利率正常化。
At the very least, it would have alerted humans to an approaching horde of bone-crushing beasts. 至少,那会让人类对靠近的噬骨野兽群存有提防之心。
At the very least, robots must meet the rigorous safety standards that cover existing products. 但是机器人至少仍需要严格的达到目前产品的安全标准。
At the very least, the Arabs should indicate that their Beirut initiative was a starting point, not a final demand. 至少至少,阿拉伯人要表示,贝鲁特倡议是个起点,并非结论。

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