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Desire is half of life; indifference is half of death.

Desirable: 1) High school graduate, some college. 理想的:高中毕业。
Desire beautifies what is ugly. 欲望会美化丑陋的东西。
Desire being most intense when the object is absent, longings for communication also index a deep sense of dereliction in social relations. 当对象不在时这种渴望最为强烈,对传播的渴望同时也显现了对社会关系中漠然无助的深刻见解。
Desire for equality prompts us to “even out” the wealth of the rich among the poor — even at our own expense, a new study suggests. 一项新的研究表明,人们内心对平等的渴望促使其将富人的财产“均分”给穷人,即使这样做会使自己付出代价。
Desire is attachment to objects of pleasure. 迷恋是对欲望的追逐。
Desire is half of life; indifference is half of death. 愿望是半个生命,淡漠是半个死亡。
Desire is the first step in the sexual response cycle, and it is the prelude to arousal. 性欲是性反应周期中的第一步,是性冲动的前奏。
Desire is the ingredient that changes the hot water of mediocrity to the steam of outstanding success. 欲望是化热水为蒸汽、化平凡为成功的东西。
Desire is your drive, passion, urge, or lust for wanting to have sex. 性欲是你想要做爱的动力、激情、欲望或渴求。
Desire of going to work, debauchery after going off work, the flame of sexual desire starts gobbling up the cold resisting PASOUL of the winter personal inside party is much more than only a vogue, also wanting sexy every Wednesday &Thursday, dissolute ba 上班的渴望,下班后的放荡,欲火开始吞噬冬天的御寒PASOUL贴身内派对,不只是时尚,还要很性感每周三四,放荡浴火将燃烧整著冬季!
Desire to push the world in a certain direction, to ater other people's idea of the kind of society that they should strive after. 这里指的是最广泛意义的政治:有志推动世界向某个方向前进;改造人们的观念,劝勉人们追求某种理想社会。

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