Why are politicians no with snowlonger concerned ball fights?
政客们为什么不再关注打雪仗了? |
Why are profits an inadequate objective for the business?
为什么利润对企业来说是不合适的目标? |
Why are programmers rebellious? Because the management interferes too much.
为什么程序员难于管理?因为管理者的干预太多了。 |
Why are sediments always found in my electric kettle?
为甚麽电热水壼经常有一些沉淀物? |
Why are so many of the artifacts of modern day life unavailable to wizards?
为什么这么多麻瓜制品对巫师来说都是无效的? |
Why are some cancers cured whereas others are unaffected by drugs?
6为什么有些癌症能够治愈而有些却对药物毫无反映呢? |
Why are some of us wired to keep falling in love over and over?
为什么有些人会一再陷入爱情漩涡? |
Why are the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada working toward self-government?
因何加拿大的原住民渴望自治? |
Why are the Great Lakes important to Canada?
为甚麽说五大湖对加拿大来说非常重要? |
Why are the Jackson shipments arriving spoiled?
为什么杰克逊的货到达时都是坏的? |
Why are the SUB-Ds so slow?
为什么细分建模那么慢? |