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Learn freely: No restrictions in content or sequence.

Learn each technique thoroughly by using it repeatedly ! 通过反复地练习来将这些技巧完全学透!
Learn every setting and every tool in the Material Editor.Learn to create functions for controlling colour, bumps, transparency, highlights, and more. 学习原料编辑里的每一个设置和工具,学习创建控制颜色,撞击,透明,加亮区和更多的功能.
Learn extensively, inquire thoroughly, ponder prudently, discriminate clearly, and practice devotedly. Do not learn, or learn till you grasp utterly. Do not ponder, or ponder till you reach a conclusion. Do not discriminate, or discriminate till the discr 有弗行,行之弗能弗措也。
Learn fast and have a sharp insight to new technology/market. 较强的自学能力,对新技术新市场有敏锐的洞察力。
Learn first that lesson of cooperation. 开始要学会合作。
Learn freely: No restrictions in content or sequence. 自主学习:自由安排学习顺序,自己选择学习内容。
Learn from Comrade Lei Feng! 向雷锋同志学习。
Learn from many different examples on how ordinary people under extreme pressure overcomes unbelievable obstacles and become internationally successful. 获得加拿大杰出华裔创业家奖的王先生的精彩演讲将用事实告诉我们创业中什么是最重要的,什么才是实现梦想的关键?
Learn from me, O mighty armed one, these five causes, for the perfection of all activities as described conclusively in the Vedic scriptures. 你要跟“我”学啊,伟大的武士(阿诸那).在《呋陀》经中,被结论性地描述为完成所有行为活动,有五大要素。
Learn from other's mistakes. 从别人的错误中吸取教训。
Learn from the past, look to the future.Live in the present. 总结过去,放眼未来,把握现在。

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