Many fantasy fans, for example, have already put aside books and logged on to “virtual worlds” such as “World of Warcraft”, in which muscular heroes and heroines get together to slay dragons and such like.
比如,很多幻想作品迷们,就已经抛弃了书本,投入诸如“魔兽世界”的“虚拟天地”中去了,在这些虚拟世界里,人们化身为身强体壮的男女英雄们,一起经历勇者斗恶龙之类的奇幻旅程。 |
Many farmer find job in Beijing from homeland.
很多农民离开老家到北京找工作. |
Many farmer's fields are irrigated by water brought from a river or lake through bamboo pipes.
很多农民的田地是通过竹管从河流或湖泊中引水灌溉的。 |
Many farmers are working in the fields.
许多农民在田里干活。 |
Many farmers breed cows and sheep.
许多农民养牛和羊。 |
Many farmers fertilize their crops in order to make them grow more quickly.
许多农民给庄稼施肥,为的是让庄稼长得更快些。 |
Many farmers hope that it will rain.
许多农夫希望下雨。 |
Many farmers left their hometowns for Beijing in order to find a job.
很多农民离开老家到北京找工作. |
Many farmers now own motorbikes.
现在许多农民拥有摩托车。 |
Many farming techniques have been modernized.
许多农业技术实现了现代化。 |
Many fashionable young people go there to shop, be seen, or just hang out.
许多时髦的年轻人都去那儿购物,招摇,或只是闲逛。 |