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If you can`t sing good, sing loud.

If you can, buy a hybrid car. 有可能的话,购买油电混合车。
If you can, buy a hybrid-car. 如果可以,买一辆混合能源车。
If you can, record the idioms in a file and on a card along with other words and idioms which have similar meanings. 如果可以的话,你可以把这些成语记录在那些写有意思相近的其它单词或成语的卡片上,收在文件中。
If you can\'t pay back the money now, you should at least tell him when you will be able to. 如果你现在不能还钱,你至少该告诉他你什么时候能还钱。
If you can\'t provide that direction, you\'re a manager -- not a leader. 如果你不能为大家指明方向,你就只能算是个经理而不能成为领导人。
If you can`t sing good, sing loud. 如果你歌唱得不好,请务必大声唱。
If you cannot afford one, one will be provided to you. )太经典了,已经成为所有电影电视的范例。
If you cannot affordan attorney, one will be provided to you at no cost. 如果你请不起律师,我们将免费为你提供一位律师。
If you cannot agree, you can vote on it. 如果你们无法同意,可以投票表决。
If you cannot be lucky, at least you can learn to tolerate the intolerable. Be truly righteous, not a phony. 人有享不到的福,没有受不了的苦;人要做正人君子,不要做消极好人。
If you cannot come early, make arrangements for someone else to load your images before class. 如果无法早到,务必请其他人于课堂前,代将图片上传。

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