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Koeman has made it clear he does not want to part with the South American during the transfer window, but it is understood that the Amsterdammers might be willing to do business in the summer rather than see the stopper depart for nothing when his contrac

Kochs EK,Bischoff P,Pichelmeier U. Surgical stimulation induce in brain electrical activity during isofluane/nitrous oxide anesthesia[J]. Anesthesiology, 1994,80:1026. 赵晖,岳云,蔡伟,等.脑电功率谱和双频谱指数在判断麻醉深度上的同期比较[J].中华麻醉学杂志,1997,9:545.
Kodai undertook at beginning charterering reefer vessel for a go-anywhere reefer tramp service between China and Japan. 又于1999年1月在中国投资成立了:辽宁恒太国际货运有限公司。
Kodak B&W Infra Red film is a tricky film to work with as it is so light sensitive. 柯达黑白红外胶片经常会愚弄人,因为它对光线及其敏感。
Kodak Theatre's seating capacity is 3,400 with three balcony levels that bring audiences close to the theatre stage. 科达剧院可以容纳3,400人,3种不同层次的包厢可以让观众与舞台更加接近。
Kodak has outsourced its IT business to IBM. 柯达已将其IT业务外包给IBM公司。
Koeman has made it clear he does not want to part with the South American during the transfer window, but it is understood that the Amsterdammers might be willing to do business in the summer rather than see the stopper depart for nothing when his contrac 科曼明确声明他不想与这名南美选手分开,但是阿姆斯特丹可能会坚持交易以避免出现球员在合同到期后免费出走的状况。
Kofi Annan came into office in 1997 amidst high hopes as being someone who could reform the bloated bureaucracy and arcane procedures of the world body. 安南在一九九七年就职时,大家都对他有很高的期待,希望他能改革这个国际组织过度膨胀的官僚制度与神秘难解的作业程序。
Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary General, also made the grade. 联合国秘书长科非·安南也获此殊荣。
Kogoryo stretched from north-east China to North Korea, prompting some to speculate that China's claim to it presages designs on the northern part of the peninsula. 高句丽自中国东北扩张至北朝鲜,这一事实促使一些人推想,中国声明在先,是否预示着中国对半岛北部有所企图。
Koh Larn (Coral Island) is the largest of Pattaya's archipelago. Major attractions include viewing coral reefs from glass-bottomed boats, snorkeling, scuba diving, windsurfing, skiing and para-sailing. Lunch will be provided. 琅岛(珊瑚岛)是芭缇雅群岛中最大的一个岛屿。主要的游览项目包括从带有玻璃船底的游船上观赏浅海的珊瑚礁、带上通气管和呼吸器潜水、帆板运动、冲浪和帆伞运动。中午提供午餐。
Kohler accounts for this by saying that people were acquainted with practically all territories of mental life a long time before the founding of scientific psychology. 科勒用这样的话来说明这个问题,“远在自然科学建立之前,人们就已经了解了有关精神生活的几乎所有领域。”

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