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The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road.

The old bus rattled along the stony road. 那辆旧公共汽车格登格登地沿碎石路行驶.
The old busy body up the street is always gassing about to the neighbors. 街头那个爱管闲事的老家伙总是跟邻居扯个没完。
The old cable car is replaced by a new one, made in Switzerland. 坐缆车上槟榔山。现在的缆车是瑞士产的。
The old campaigner in our factory seldom go to the nearby supermarket with young people in spring. 我们厂的老军人春天很少同年轻人一道去附近的超市.
The old car drove off, with its exhaust pipe scraping along the ground. 那辆老车开走了,它的排气管沿路刮著地面。
The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road. 那旧车子走过崎岖的道路时,很厉害地颠簸着它的乘客。
The old car lumbered up the hill. 那辆旧车摇摇晃晃地开上了小山。
The old car was travelling at quite a clip . 那辆旧汽车开得相当快.
The old castle is said to be haunted. 这座古堡据说有鬼魂出没。
The old castle is steeped in history and legend. 这座老城堡充满了历史与传说。
The old castle stands in ruins. 那座古堡现已成为一片瓦砾。

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