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The findings of this phase II dose-finding study also suggest that an effective dose is 25,000 units of lipase, 25,000 units of protease, and 3750 units of amylase.

The findings of Bernard Rimland of the Autism Research Institute in San Diego support this idea as well. 美国加州圣地牙哥「自闭症研究院」的林姆蓝,也得出支持这种说法的证据。
The findings of the United Nations Children's Fund make for grim reading. 联合国儿童基金会的研究发现了这个残酷现像。
The findings of the paper provide support to the informed-based theories and show that bank runs are attributed to high risk taken by CDFIs. 实证结果显示,农会信用部挤兑原因支持讯息基础理论,是否发生挤兑与农会信用部本身的经营风险有关。
The findings of the report threw discredit on the protesters' claims. 报告中展示的调查结果使抗议者的要求遭到了怀疑.
The findings of the two biological scientists conflict with current scientific information about Tyrannosaurus. 两位科学家的发现与当今的科学观点完全相反。
The findings of this phase II dose-finding study also suggest that an effective dose is 25,000 units of lipase, 25,000 units of protease, and 3750 units of amylase. 这项II期药物剂量摸索研究的结果还表明,有效剂量是25,000单位脂酶,25,000单位蛋白酶和3750单位淀粉酶。
The findings on teenagers imply that interventions that use risk data regarding smoking or unprotected sex, for example, may actually backfire if young people overestimate their risks anyway. 这项对青少年的研究结果提示,如果青少年过高估计他们所处的危险性,比如吸烟或无保护性交,而利用有关这些行为的危险数据来进行干预,则事与愿违。
The findings proide “eidence that the relation between birth order and IQ score is dependent on the social rank in the family and not birth order as such,” they concluded. 他们推断,此研究为“出生顺序和IQ值之间的关系,依赖于家庭中的社会地位而不是出生顺序及其他”提供了证据。
The findings prompted calls for emergency heart attack equipment to be installed in stadiums during Euro 2004. 这些调查结果促使人们在2004年欧洲杯期间呼吁在体育馆里安装心脏病急救设备。
The findings published in this month's British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology surprised the study's lead author, Dr. Mark Walker, a scientist with the Ottawa Health Research Institute. 该研究发表于《英国妇产科学杂志》本月刊上,研究结果令该项研究的首席研究者Walker博士很惊讶。Walker博士是渥太华健康研究所的科学家。
The findings resulting from all these approaches will help to proide better insights into the pathophysiology of endometriosis and to establish new anti-angiogenic treatment strategies for the future. 起因于这些方法的调查结果将会对异位子宫内膜病理生理学更好的洞察和对今后建立新的抗血管生成治疗策略提供帮助。

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