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The mother was hoping against hope that her dying son would be better.

The mother was all on edge when her son was having a blood test. 那位母亲在儿子接受血检时,心情十分紧张
The mother was busy writhing her hands, crushing peanuts into pieces. 母亲剥花生的手扭动着,把一颗颗花生捏得粉碎。
The mother was frantic when she heard that her child was minning. 当那母亲听说她孩子失踪时就疯狂了。
The mother was frantic with grief when she heard that her child was dead. 当那母亲听到她孩子死亡时悲痛得发疯。
The mother was given custody of the children. 母亲获得对孩子的监护权。
The mother was hoping against hope that her dying son would be better. 母亲对病危的儿子病情好转仍怀着一线希望。
The mother was impatient:“God is both honest and dishonest. 小男孩更加糊涂了,于是他紧接着问:“上帝是诚实的还是不诚实的?”
The mother was trying to comfort the tearful little girl. 母亲在试图安慰眼泪汪汪的小女孩。
The mother waved to her son till the bus was out of sight. 那位妈妈一直向她儿子挥手,直到看不到公共汽车为止。
The mother whale and her calf were last spotted swimming about 70 miles from the ocean. 有人发现这对鲸鱼母子离太平洋只有70米之遥了。
The mother wheeled the baby round the park. 母亲用小车推着婴儿在公园游玩。

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