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Each Member should have due regard to any international system or model for recording accidents to seafarers which may have been established by the International Labour Organization.

Each Member shall ensure that all seafarers and, to the extent provided for in its national law, their dependants have access to social security protection in accordance with the Code without prejudice however to any more favourable conditions referred to 各成员国应确保所有海员,以及按其国家法律的规定,其受赡养人,能够获得符合守则的社会保障的保护,但不得妨碍《章程》第十九条第八款中所述的任何更优厚条件。
Each Member shall ensure that all seafarers on ships that fly its flag are covered by adequate measures for the protection of their health and that they have access to prompt and adequate medical care whilst working on board. 各成员国应确保在悬挂其旗帜船舶上的所有海员均被保护其健康的充分措施所覆盖,并且他们在船上工作期间能够得到迅速和适当的医疗。
Each Member shall ensure, within the limits of its jurisdiction, that the seafarers' employment and social rights set out in the preceding paragraphs of this Article are fully implemented in accordance with the requirements of this Convention. 各成员国在其管辖范围内应确保本条上述各款所规定的海员就业和社会权利根据本公约的要求得以充分实施。
Each Member shall establish clear objectives and standards covering the administration of its inspection and certification systems, as well as adequate overall procedures for its assessment of the extent to which those objectives and standards are being a 各成员国应建立关于其检查和发证系统管理的明确目标和标准,以及对达到这些目标和标准的程度进行总体评估的适当程序。
Each Member shall require that seafarers employed on ships that fly its flag are given paid annual leave under appropriate conditions, in accordance with the provisions in the Code. 各成员国应要求悬挂其旗帜的船舶所雇用的海员在适当的条件下根据守则的规定享受带薪年休假。
Each Member should have due regard to any international system or model for recording accidents to seafarers which may have been established by the International Labour Organization. 各成员国应充分考虑到国际劳工组织可能业已确立的任何记录海员事故的国际制度或模式。
Each Member should take measures designed to expedite the free circulation among ships, central supply agencies and welfare establishments of welfare materials such as films, books, newspapers and sports equipment for use by seafarers on board their ships 各成员国应采取措施,加速福利材料在船舶、中央供应机构和福利部门之间的自由周转,例如影片、图书、报纸和体育器材,供海员在其船舶上和岸上福利中心使用。
Each Member should take measures, whenever necessary, to ensure the safety of seafarers from aggression and other unlawful acts while ships are in their territorial waters and especially in approaches to ports. 当船舶位于一成员的领海,特别是港口的引航道时,该成员国应在必要时采取措施保证海员安全,使他们不受侵袭和其他非法行为的侵害。
Each Member which ratifies this Convention undertakes to give complete effect to its provisions in the manner set out in Article VI in order to secure the right of all seafarers to decent employment. 批准本公约的各成员国承诺按第六条规定的方式全面履行公约的规定,以确保海员体面就业的权利。
Each NBA team conducts a training camp in October to determine its 12-player roster. 每一个NBA球队在10月都会进行营队训练,以决定12名队员名单。
Each November, Chiristchurch hosts the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Show. 每年的11月份,基督城举办为期3天的坎特伯雷农产品和牧民表演展销会。

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