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“Semantics is one of the most controversial branches of linguistics.

“Security through obscurity is no security at all.” so the adage goes. “通过隐藏是根本没有安全可言的”格言上是这么说的。
“See, isn't this much easier? 「你看,这不是容易多了吗?」
“Seeing Juventus play in Serie B is a disaster and the demotion was terrible. The Bianconeri players did not deserve it for what they accomplished on the pitch. “看到尤文图斯在乙级踢球是一个灾难,降级是骇人的。斑马军团的球员没有得到他们应该所处的地位。”
“Seek truth from facts” is the school motto of our university. “实事求是”是我们大学的校训。
“Self-knowledge is the beginning of self-improvement. 自知之明是自我改善的开始。
“Semantics is one of the most controversial branches of linguistics. 这段话的简单翻译:语义学是语言学最有争议的一个分支。
“Send” in connection with any writing or notice means to deposit in the mail or deliver for transmission by any other usual means of communication with postage or cost of transmission provided for and properly addressed and in the case of an instrument to “送达”任何书面材料或通知是指通过邮件交付或通过任何其他通常的以邮资或有偿递交方式的递交,只要该递送适当写明地址或在有文件规定的情况下写明特定的或其他议定的地址,或依据情况合理地不写任何人的地址。
“Sentiment and eloquence serve only to impede the pursuit of truth” (Macaulay). “感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求”(麦考利)。
“Sergio however is also liked by Inter, who we will speak with shortly. “然而塞尔吉奥也受到国××米的追逐,不久前我们也说过。
“Sergio's future with them depends on David Pizarro's co-ownership. I think the Chilean will stay at Roma, so…don't make me add anything else. “塞尔吉奥的将来取决于大卫·皮萨罗的共同所有权。我认为智利人将会留在罗马,因此……不用我再说了吧。”
“Shall we dine out?” “I\'d rather stay at home. “我们要不要出去吃饭?”“我宁愿留在家里。”

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